Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Make it Quick

Alright I don't have forever so here is a rant and this has no damn rules to it cause I'm just gonna go off on random things so lets begin.

This whole whats your new zodiac sign is interesting and so interesting that I really don't give a shit. Seriously if your life sucks so bad that you gotta be all worried if your zodiac sign changed then that is fucking sad. Who the hell cares if your a Leo, Virgo, Capricorn or if your just an asshole. How the stars are aligned is not going to determine who your going to be with or what is going to happen during this day. Here is your horoscope and this is one for everyone... You will get a life and stop looking at this bullshit cause it doesn't mean SHIT!!!!

Ok now lets talk about whats going on in Egypt. Once again communism failed. Nuff said.

I recently ordered Insanity... It's the workout program where you bring yourself to the edge of death in order to lose weight. Now I am tired of seeing all these things that say... Oh eat all you want but sprinkle some kind of toxic crap on your food and you'll lose weight. The most retarded one was that belt you wear and your supposed to put it on and with no strain go from Bubba Joe to Jacked Joe in a week. This is all fucking retarded and the people who believe this crap deserve to lose their money. Wow something that had you sitting on your ass all day didn't help you get into shape... HOLY FUCK CALL THE FBI. Give me a fucking break and stop trying to get out of shit by taking the easy way out.

If you can read this it means you can read.

What the fuck happened to Lady Gaga. She used to be cool and original. Now she is ripping off Madonna and I fucking hate Madonna. Which brings me to this also... Why is it that people think because someone has been around for a while like Madonna that they are actually good. Madonna was never anything special and she sold albums based on her sex appeal not based on her music. So stop acting like she is amazing and if Gaga wants to try and copy somebody then at least make sure it is someone who is actually good.

Now you may be wondering why I haven't ranted in a while. Well the truth is that the truth will set you free. So if you look deep within yourself you will find all the answers and do what you feel is best. You are not yet ready for the answer young skywalker... Wait... I hate StarWars. Except Yoda, he is cool.

Your father forgot to pull out and thats why your here

Another thing I am so tired of hearing is this whole vegan fad thats been going on. I swear diets are just any other fad. You got the crap like Atkins who says to just eat meat and then South Beach and I don't even know what that is but I don't have the interest to look it up either and now people are going with this whole vegan thing. What makes this Vegan one worse is even if it did make you healthy there is one huge drawback that is overrides anything that may be good about it. It turns you into a total fucking douchebag. Every time I meet these people they always look extremely unhealthy and really have no energy but even though I weight twice as much as they do and can run circles over them they still have this smug attitude that they are helping the environment and helping animal rights and putting natural things into there bodies. Please just shut the fuck up about it. People have been eating meat for thousands of years and we have gotten along just fine and eating meat is part of the food chain so don't come to me on your high horse and act like eating meat is wrong. Several animal in the wild eat meat and I guarantee you right now that if your trapped in a cage with a hungry tiger he is not gonna be thinking... Oh if I eat this guy I'm hurting the environment and eating meat is wrong. No that tiger will eat you and then bury the leftover for later.

I also don't care about what kind of health stats these people have about how vegan is healthier and here is why. Anything medical can be put both ways. You can say it will increase this but decrease that. What they like to do is take a negative and then push it like it's so much farther then it would be. One thing I heard was the eating meat can cause you to be diabetic. No thats not what causes it... Being out of shape and consuming too much sugar can cause it. If you eat too much meat then sure maybe you could but they come across that if I wanna have a piece of steak that I'm going to have a heart attack and be dead. There are doctors who will legit say that being vegan is healthier but there are also kinds that will say eating meats is healthier. However if your gonna be a Vegan just try not to be a douche about it.

Also I just want to say that Vegetarians are like this sometimes but not nearly to the extreme of a Vegan. I mean they don't drink milk... How can anyone not want to drink milk.

Funny how I didn't even think I had anything to rant about and I end up going off about shit. Anyways I might do this more often. Until then be safe and have a Happy *Insert Closest Holiday Here*. Thank You.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small Stores losing business... I WONDER WHY!!!

Everyone wants to go around and blame the economy why some small buisness isn't doing a good job and why they are being taken over by the "evil corporation." However no one seems to want to point out that in order to stay in business you have to run a good business.

I went to a sub shop today and hadn't gone there in a while. It's a local place and since the last place I liked was no longer around I was forced to go here. I ordered a chicken parm (which by the way costs me 12 bucks) and it sucked. It tasted absolutely horrible like someone just took fucking period blood and used it as a sauce. What the fuck is wrong with these places? I used to go to this place a good amount and everytime I went there I never knew what I was going to get. I go there and they didn't put enough sauce on it or they burned the fucking sub. It was fucking ridiculous and they didn't really give a shit. How the place is even still in fucking business is something I can't understand but when they do go out of business and a Papa Johns or Dominos opens I am not going to be surprised.

Everyone always wants to attack those big companies: Starbucks, Papa Johns, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds and others. However there little brains don't realize is that the reasons these companies are successful is because they put out good fucking food and are consistent. Don't give me this bullshit about how Starbucks is going to open where Fred's Coffee used to be when Fred would leave his coffee laying there for a week and it would be a fucking week old and have shit growing from it. All these "evil" companies started off just like any other company. They were small but they put out good stuff and grew. So don't give me the usual bullshit and complain because the economy is so bad and they are going out of business.

So for the record I will only go to places I feel are the fucking best and if it's some big company well then I'm going to help them get bigger and get those piece of shit small companies out of there cause I don't want them wasting space.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I haven't posted anything on blogspot for a while and that will probably change until I find a better site that I can write my rants on. On my last site I used (enriquo.ology.com) it seems that everything that I have written from the time I started writing on that to now is gone. So I'm pretty pissed off about that. Anyways onto what I wanted to rant about.

It's good when people show faith and it's good when they believe God can help them, but when does it go to far. There are so many people out there who do nothing but show blind faith all the time and seem to think that no matter what kind of fucked up things they do that God will come and get the pipe out of their ass.

You see some whore woman who goes and has sex with her drug dealer and then gets pregnant. She'll be a whore but because she thinks she has true faith in God then everything will be ok. Oh if God didn't want me to have a baby then he wouldn't have allowed me to get pregnant. God did not make you pregnant, what made you pregnant is you thought that if you fucked your dealer then he would give you a discount on crack. God didn't make you pregnant, you got pregnant because your a worthless whore who didn't know how to close your legs.

I get sick and tired of people saying that something is God's plan. Everything that happens is not part of God's plan because you can not go out and say God has a plan for you but at the same time you have the free will to do whatever you want. God gave you the free will so if you fuck up your life and your in jail getting nailed by Bubba then it's your own damn fault. Also if all the stuff that does happen is all part of God's plan then we have one deranged god.

Thats enough about talking about God and the people who look at him as a welfare check. Lets move onto why I am so pissed at my last ranting site. I joined this site because it was supposed to be a site where I would get more traffic to my rants and also because it was supposed to allegedly pay after a while. Well 2 year later the only kind of people that seem to be on the damn site are spammers and because there is so much make your dick bigger bullshit that all the comments that were legit I would never even see because of all the dick spam. Also it seems that when you get ads put on the site then your supposed to start getting paid for them. Well here I had retarded ads on my site and I wasn't getting paid a nickel from a hookers ass from them. Also I tried to change the style of my rants because hey I kinda sold out cause I wanted to make money. So the rants were not as hard and were more G then my normal ones. Fuck the G and PG bullshit because even the most fucked up thing I have ever wrote is still not as fucked as some of the shit you see on the internet and even alot of the stuff you see on TV.

So for the time being I will be ranting on blogspot and until the bullshit happens again where I accidentally hit the back money and lose a rant I was writing for 10 mins then I will continue to post here. I would like to post somewhere that I get more traffic but I mostly write these rants as my own form of therapy and if you think I'm rambling well then tough shit. That is all and it feels good to be back

Monday, March 16, 2009

An unlikely topic

An Unlikely Topic

Alright I haven’t done a real rant in a while, but I figure the time has come. I also don’t expect this to turn into an Obama/Liberal attacking rant, but once I really get going I really can’t stop.

The first thing that will be talked about is professional wrestling. Now why am I talking about this? The reason is that I look at it as most peoples “dirty little secret.” Now me and my friends used to be really into it when it went through its boom in the late 90 to early 2000s (wow that statement really makes me feel old). At that point people I knew were very open about watching it and would even discuss it at length. If I were to do a poll over the United States and see how many people have at one point watched it or will keep it on while surfing through channels, I would say about 60% of the population would do that. It’s the kind of thing where people watch it but they don’t want to admit to it. I watch it once in a while and even I was debating even writing this cause I wouldn’t want people knowing that I watch it from time to time.

You may think that I am just throwing a number out there and that there is no way that many people in this country would watch it or have watched well. Well just think about this for a second, I went and asked people if they liked The Rock. Most people said they liked him or didn’t like him, but that’s not the point. The very next question I asked if they liked Dwayne Johnson. When I asked this question the majority of the people said that they did not know who that was. This is because The Rock was a character when he was in the WWE and those people watched it at one point. Now you may think to yourself “well he had the name The Rock while doing movies” and that is true. However here is another example I am going to use. Do you know who Seann William Scott is? Ok now do you know who Stifler is? So the Analogy is American Pie is to Stifler as The Rock is to WWE.

That’s out of the way so let’s switch gears and go to music. I look at music as the kind of thing that everyone would like 1 song from a genre they don’t normally listen to. This is because music in general is not that different from genre to genre. Let’s take the example of Rock and Country. Go and listen to some rock songs that use an acoustic guitar. What they are singing may not be country but the actual music and guitar has the feel to it as if it could be considered country to some extent. An actual person who could be a direct example of this is Johnny Cash, who is a guy who combined a lot of country and rock and created a different sound.

Also here are some other guys who have a combination of music: Linkin Park combines Rock and Rap. Outkast combines Rap, Rock and a little bit of Jazz. Cowboy Troy combines Country and Rap. I’ve also for a while always looked at DMX as being very much rock influenced, and this is because a lot people I know who are rap hating rock fans actually like DMX.

I’m sure there are hundreds of examples of all this. The point I am trying to get at is that music isn’t really that much different from genre and I can guarantee you that if you go out and start listening to different things, you will find something that you will like. It’s a huge rarity to completely despise an entire genre. I absolutely hate punk, but even I’ll admit there are some songs that are considered punk that I don’t mind. Music is different but it is still music and not that far between each other.

If something is already low fat or fat free then don’t advertise it. There are some things that I have always eaten and then they all of a sudden decided to start advertising that they were low fat and even though it is still the way it always was, it doesn’t seem to taste as good because now in your mind it is low fat. So please stop doing that because it is annoying and I want my food with fat and if it’s good and there is already low fat in it, then don’t tell me.

Anyways that’s about it for this rant. I will be looking to doing more and more as time goes by.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama.... It's already Starting


I knew I was going to end up doing a rant on how bad of a president Obama has been eventually. I didn’t want to but I’m a realist and knew what was going to happen. However I didn’t think I would be ranting about this just 2 weeks after he was sworn in as president. You Obama lovers may get pissed at me but tough shit, let me begin.

Obama is shutting down Guantanamo Bay and this is the first sign of what we are in for. This is just idiotic because where are these terrorist supposed to go? Now people are saying this is a great thing because the people of Gitno didn’t do anything illegal and we shouldn’t be holding them like this. They also say they are going to get a trial and if they are found guilty will be sent to prisons OUTSIDE the United States. So lets use our imagination and pretend that all the terrorists are going to be sent prisons outside the US. So you want to take people who are a threat to the United States and put them in a prison that will be outside our control? If we do not have control of them how are we to prevent them from escaping or finding holes in another countries legal system and getting released. The US can control these people and hopefully get them put to death but we want it to be another countries problem and then when it’s a much bigger problem it can be ours.

There are also people who were released from Guantanamo Bay and then shortly after they were seen in Al-Queda videos. The bottom line about terrorism is that it’s one of those things where you know they are guilty, however in a legal setting it can not be proved. These people were sent to Gitno for a reason; they didn’t just take random Arabs and throw them in there. They are people who are affiliated with terrorism and terrorist organizations so no one there is innocent. Sure some may be a bigger threat then the other, but these ones who are a smaller threat can turn into a bigger threat if they are released.

Another thing our great president is done is he wants to end torture towards terrorists. Obama says that we have to care about human rights. What about the human rights of the people that they killed? Torture is really our only way of getting information from these people and it has been an effective way to get info from people since the early ages. Does Obama expect us to sit down with them over lunch and tell about all the terrorists’ plans? That’s not going to happen and that liberal mentality has to stop.

Now people give the argument for this situation. “Well what if they give false information?” Well the answer to this is simple, we go back and torture them some more. These are evil men who would kill themselves to kill people, and can you really feel bad that they are dealing with torture? I don’t feel bad if any terrorist is being tortured because whether they give the correct info or not they are still going through a lot of pain. This is pain they deserve to what they have done to thousands of innocent people in the United States and the World.

Obama has agreed to do his first sit-down interview. Ok after reading this you probably think this is just blind Obama bashing, so what if he does an interview. I don’t care that he is doing an interview, but it is who he is doing it for that annoys me. He is doing the interview with the Arab Language Network, Al Arribia. He is doing this because he wants to show that America is very open to discussion and think he can convince blood thirsty terrorist to change his mind. All this does is show that America has no backbone. Here are a few things some people said when the news first broke.

Credit Michaelsavage.com for this info






Also here are what people who actually voted for Obama had to say about this.



People are not happy about this and Obama should care more about people the United States happy and not the Middle East.

Now lets switch to something a little closer to home. Obama has chosen Timothy Geithner to head the IRS. I’m guessing a lot of people haven’t heard of this guy and I didn’t either until I looked him up. He is a man who has been part of numerous Tax Fraud. This is a guy who didn’t pay self-employment tax for years and used shenanigans and working the system to get out of paying for half of that. I’m not going to go and say he is a horrible person or anything like that, and he could have even made an honest mistake with it (yeah 35k is a lot, but remember what I said about using your imagination). So lets say he did make an honest mistake, would you really want someone who is making these kind of mistakes to be the head of the IRS. If you are the head of IRS you should know the ins and outs of anything that has to do with taxes and not ever even be accused of tax fraud. I don’t know much about this guy so I’m not going to go and bash him personally, but seriously, Obama couldn’t have found someone more qualified to head the IRS. This is like making OJ the head of the homicide department of the LAPD.

That’s really all the ranting I want to do with Obama. I support our president, but he is making it harder and harder to do it. I don’t want to be ranting every week about the mistakes he has been making, but if this keeps up I’ll be doing a lot more of these type of rants.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I’m Back… But For How Long?

I’m Back… But For How Long?

Alright I haven’t done a rant in a while but lately my drive to write just hasn’t been there. However it may also because I haven’t been pissed off enough about stuff and hearing messed up things just doesn’t shock me like they used to.

Now let me first discuss a topic that’s been addressed a few times and something people glorifying and that is BEING single mothers. Let’s first take a look at some facts and understand that 70% of the inmates in prison come from single mothers. So that must tell you right there that being a single mother can’t be easy and your kid could end up a convict. However the problem with this is that the media and everyone seem to glorify BEING a single mother. People don’t seem to criticize it very often and make it appear that only strong women are the ones who can do it. So this will force girls to go out and be like “hey I want a baby.” Yet these stupid women do not realize that it’s not like owning a goldfish or even a dog. You have this baby you have to take care of it and you’re not going to have any kind of a social life.

I can not stand those people who go around and praise that they are not racist. You know, the annoying white people who think they are so against racism that when you say a racist joke or anything remotely racial they are like “OMG you’re an asshole.” Meanwhile you tell it to a black guy and he is laughing and ribbing you back. I know a black guy and I called him a watermelon eating porch monkey and then comes back and calls me a greased up a guinea. It’s not a matter of being racist or being anything like that, it’s a matter of just having a sense of humor and not trying to show some black guy or whatever that you’re not racist.

Now as far as I go I believe that I am much less racist then these white people who are all offended by anything racial. Now I think this because I don’t give a shit who you are I am going to say whatever I feel like to you and not try to treat anyone differently because they are a different race. Now just because I may criticize blacks and Latinos or any other race just shows that I am realest not a racist. What I say I believe and I don’t take back anything I say.

Alright this rant is over and I feel really rusty with this one. So bare with me for a little while and as soon as I really get fired up about something I will give you a more fiery rant. Until then don’t get killed, arrested, or pregnant.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Fucking Pissed

I am so fucking tired of this fucking windows. I swear to god I can't use a damn web browser that isn't Explorer. It's fucking ridiculous because I go and use flock and that works for a little while and then it give me the bullshit... Illegal Operation bullshit. Is the Illegal Operation that I am not using explorer? Then I used Safari and that was working fine for a little while. So what happens when I use that... I can't even leave the homepage without it saying it has performed an Illegal Operation and must be closed down. It's fucking Ridiculous and pisses me the fuck off. Yah I am swearing like a fucking sailor but right now I'm saying fuck the whole class thing and looking somewhat intelligent. I should be able to go to a goddamn site on another browser and not get that same bullshit message every single fucking time. Hell I probably won't even be able to post this cause it will say it's an Illegal Operation. I am not going to go and start using explorer because it is slow and it fucking sucks. Sure it may not say Illegal Operation but by the time I actually get to the damn site I could have started Flock 6 times over. I swear this kinda shit makes me want to get a mac. I should just be different and get Linux even though it's supposed to be horrible.

Now I'm ending this rant and I wish I could say I was drunk when I did it but I am stone cold sober right now. So yah fuck windows and I can't wait to fucking change once I can afford Apples ridiculous prices