I’m Back… But For How Long?
Alright I haven’t done a rant in a while but lately my drive to write just hasn’t been there. However it may also because I haven’t been pissed off enough about stuff and hearing messed up things just doesn’t shock me like they used to.
Now let me first discuss a topic that’s been addressed a few times and something people glorifying and that is BEING single mothers. Let’s first take a look at some facts and understand that 70% of the inmates in prison come from single mothers. So that must tell you right there that being a single mother can’t be easy and your kid could end up a convict. However the problem with this is that the media and everyone seem to glorify BEING a single mother. People don’t seem to criticize it very often and make it appear that only strong women are the ones who can do it. So this will force girls to go out and be like “hey I want a baby.” Yet these stupid women do not realize that it’s not like owning a goldfish or even a dog. You have this baby you have to take care of it and you’re not going to have any kind of a social life.
I can not stand those people who go around and praise that they are not racist. You know, the annoying white people who think they are so against racism that when you say a racist joke or anything remotely racial they are like “OMG you’re an asshole.” Meanwhile you tell it to a black guy and he is laughing and ribbing you back. I know a black guy and I called him a watermelon eating porch monkey and then comes back and calls me a greased up a guinea. It’s not a matter of being racist or being anything like that, it’s a matter of just having a sense of humor and not trying to show some black guy or whatever that you’re not racist.
Now as far as I go I believe that I am much less racist then these white people who are all offended by anything racial. Now I think this because I don’t give a shit who you are I am going to say whatever I feel like to you and not try to treat anyone differently because they are a different race. Now just because I may criticize blacks and Latinos or any other race just shows that I am realest not a racist. What I say I believe and I don’t take back anything I say.
Alright this rant is over and I feel really rusty with this one. So bare with me for a little while and as soon as I really get fired up about something I will give you a more fiery rant. Until then don’t get killed, arrested, or pregnant.
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