Sunday, August 15, 2010


I haven't posted anything on blogspot for a while and that will probably change until I find a better site that I can write my rants on. On my last site I used ( it seems that everything that I have written from the time I started writing on that to now is gone. So I'm pretty pissed off about that. Anyways onto what I wanted to rant about.

It's good when people show faith and it's good when they believe God can help them, but when does it go to far. There are so many people out there who do nothing but show blind faith all the time and seem to think that no matter what kind of fucked up things they do that God will come and get the pipe out of their ass.

You see some whore woman who goes and has sex with her drug dealer and then gets pregnant. She'll be a whore but because she thinks she has true faith in God then everything will be ok. Oh if God didn't want me to have a baby then he wouldn't have allowed me to get pregnant. God did not make you pregnant, what made you pregnant is you thought that if you fucked your dealer then he would give you a discount on crack. God didn't make you pregnant, you got pregnant because your a worthless whore who didn't know how to close your legs.

I get sick and tired of people saying that something is God's plan. Everything that happens is not part of God's plan because you can not go out and say God has a plan for you but at the same time you have the free will to do whatever you want. God gave you the free will so if you fuck up your life and your in jail getting nailed by Bubba then it's your own damn fault. Also if all the stuff that does happen is all part of God's plan then we have one deranged god.

Thats enough about talking about God and the people who look at him as a welfare check. Lets move onto why I am so pissed at my last ranting site. I joined this site because it was supposed to be a site where I would get more traffic to my rants and also because it was supposed to allegedly pay after a while. Well 2 year later the only kind of people that seem to be on the damn site are spammers and because there is so much make your dick bigger bullshit that all the comments that were legit I would never even see because of all the dick spam. Also it seems that when you get ads put on the site then your supposed to start getting paid for them. Well here I had retarded ads on my site and I wasn't getting paid a nickel from a hookers ass from them. Also I tried to change the style of my rants because hey I kinda sold out cause I wanted to make money. So the rants were not as hard and were more G then my normal ones. Fuck the G and PG bullshit because even the most fucked up thing I have ever wrote is still not as fucked as some of the shit you see on the internet and even alot of the stuff you see on TV.

So for the time being I will be ranting on blogspot and until the bullshit happens again where I accidentally hit the back money and lose a rant I was writing for 10 mins then I will continue to post here. I would like to post somewhere that I get more traffic but I mostly write these rants as my own form of therapy and if you think I'm rambling well then tough shit. That is all and it feels good to be back

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