An Unlikely Topic
Alright I haven’t done a real rant in a while, but I figure the time has come. I also don’t expect this to turn into an Obama/Liberal attacking rant, but once I really get going I really can’t stop.
The first thing that will be talked about is professional wrestling. Now why am I talking about this? The reason is that I look at it as most peoples “dirty little secret.” Now me and my friends used to be really into it when it went through its boom in the late 90 to early 2000s (wow that statement really makes me feel old). At that point people I knew were very open about watching it and would even discuss it at length. If I were to do a poll over the United States and see how many people have at one point watched it or will keep it on while surfing through channels, I would say about 60% of the population would do that. It’s the kind of thing where people watch it but they don’t want to admit to it. I watch it once in a while and even I was debating even writing this cause I wouldn’t want people knowing that I watch it from time to time.
You may think that I am just throwing a number out there and that there is no way that many people in this country would watch it or have watched well. Well just think about this for a second, I went and asked people if they liked The Rock. Most people said they liked him or didn’t like him, but that’s not the point. The very next question I asked if they liked Dwayne Johnson. When I asked this question the majority of the people said that they did not know who that was. This is because The Rock was a character when he was in the WWE and those people watched it at one point. Now you may think to yourself “well he had the name The Rock while doing movies” and that is true. However here is another example I am going to use. Do you know who Seann William Scott is? Ok now do you know who Stifler is? So the Analogy is American Pie is to Stifler as The Rock is to WWE.
That’s out of the way so let’s switch gears and go to music. I look at music as the kind of thing that everyone would like 1 song from a genre they don’t normally listen to. This is because music in general is not that different from genre to genre. Let’s take the example of Rock and Country. Go and listen to some rock songs that use an acoustic guitar. What they are singing may not be country but the actual music and guitar has the feel to it as if it could be considered country to some extent. An actual person who could be a direct example of this is Johnny Cash, who is a guy who combined a lot of country and rock and created a different sound.
Also here are some other guys who have a combination of music: Linkin Park combines Rock and Rap. Outkast combines Rap, Rock and a little bit of Jazz. Cowboy
I’m sure there are hundreds of examples of all this. The point I am trying to get at is that music isn’t really that much different from genre and I can guarantee you that if you go out and start listening to different things, you will find something that you will like. It’s a huge rarity to completely despise an entire genre. I absolutely hate punk, but even I’ll admit there are some songs that are considered punk that I don’t mind. Music is different but it is still music and not that far between each other.
If something is already low fat or fat free then don’t advertise it. There are some things that I have always eaten and then they all of a sudden decided to start advertising that they were low fat and even though it is still the way it always was, it doesn’t seem to taste as good because now in your mind it is low fat. So please stop doing that because it is annoying and I want my food with fat and if it’s good and there is already low fat in it, then don’t tell me.
Anyways that’s about it for this rant. I will be looking to doing more and more as time goes by.
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