Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small Stores losing business... I WONDER WHY!!!

Everyone wants to go around and blame the economy why some small buisness isn't doing a good job and why they are being taken over by the "evil corporation." However no one seems to want to point out that in order to stay in business you have to run a good business.

I went to a sub shop today and hadn't gone there in a while. It's a local place and since the last place I liked was no longer around I was forced to go here. I ordered a chicken parm (which by the way costs me 12 bucks) and it sucked. It tasted absolutely horrible like someone just took fucking period blood and used it as a sauce. What the fuck is wrong with these places? I used to go to this place a good amount and everytime I went there I never knew what I was going to get. I go there and they didn't put enough sauce on it or they burned the fucking sub. It was fucking ridiculous and they didn't really give a shit. How the place is even still in fucking business is something I can't understand but when they do go out of business and a Papa Johns or Dominos opens I am not going to be surprised.

Everyone always wants to attack those big companies: Starbucks, Papa Johns, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds and others. However there little brains don't realize is that the reasons these companies are successful is because they put out good fucking food and are consistent. Don't give me this bullshit about how Starbucks is going to open where Fred's Coffee used to be when Fred would leave his coffee laying there for a week and it would be a fucking week old and have shit growing from it. All these "evil" companies started off just like any other company. They were small but they put out good stuff and grew. So don't give me the usual bullshit and complain because the economy is so bad and they are going out of business.

So for the record I will only go to places I feel are the fucking best and if it's some big company well then I'm going to help them get bigger and get those piece of shit small companies out of there cause I don't want them wasting space.

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