This whole whats your new zodiac sign is interesting and so interesting that I really don't give a shit. Seriously if your life sucks so bad that you gotta be all worried if your zodiac sign changed then that is fucking sad. Who the hell cares if your a Leo, Virgo, Capricorn or if your just an asshole. How the stars are aligned is not going to determine who your going to be with or what is going to happen during this day. Here is your horoscope and this is one for everyone... You will get a life and stop looking at this bullshit cause it doesn't mean SHIT!!!!
Ok now lets talk about whats going on in Egypt. Once again communism failed. Nuff said.
I recently ordered Insanity... It's the workout program where you bring yourself to the edge of death in order to lose weight. Now I am tired of seeing all these things that say... Oh eat all you want but sprinkle some kind of toxic crap on your food and you'll lose weight. The most retarded one was that belt you wear and your supposed to put it on and with no strain go from Bubba Joe to Jacked Joe in a week. This is all fucking retarded and the people who believe this crap deserve to lose their money. Wow something that had you sitting on your ass all day didn't help you get into shape... HOLY FUCK CALL THE FBI. Give me a fucking break and stop trying to get out of shit by taking the easy way out.
If you can read this it means you can read.
What the fuck happened to Lady Gaga. She used to be cool and original. Now she is ripping off Madonna and I fucking hate Madonna. Which brings me to this also... Why is it that people think because someone has been around for a while like Madonna that they are actually good. Madonna was never anything special and she sold albums based on her sex appeal not based on her music. So stop acting like she is amazing and if Gaga wants to try and copy somebody then at least make sure it is someone who is actually good.
Now you may be wondering why I haven't ranted in a while. Well the truth is that the truth will set you free. So if you look deep within yourself you will find all the answers and do what you feel is best. You are not yet ready for the answer young skywalker... Wait... I hate StarWars. Except Yoda, he is cool.
Your father forgot to pull out and thats why your here
Another thing I am so tired of hearing is this whole vegan fad thats been going on. I swear diets are just any other fad. You got the crap like Atkins who says to just eat meat and then South Beach and I don't even know what that is but I don't have the interest to look it up either and now people are going with this whole vegan thing. What makes this Vegan one worse is even if it did make you healthy there is one huge drawback that is overrides anything that may be good about it. It turns you into a total fucking douchebag. Every time I meet these people they always look extremely unhealthy and really have no energy but even though I weight twice as much as they do and can run circles over them they still have this smug attitude that they are helping the environment and helping animal rights and putting natural things into there bodies. Please just shut the fuck up about it. People have been eating meat for thousands of years and we have gotten along just fine and eating meat is part of the food chain so don't come to me on your high horse and act like eating meat is wrong. Several animal in the wild eat meat and I guarantee you right now that if your trapped in a cage with a hungry tiger he is not gonna be thinking... Oh if I eat this guy I'm hurting the environment and eating meat is wrong. No that tiger will eat you and then bury the leftover for later.
I also don't care about what kind of health stats these people have about how vegan is healthier and here is why. Anything medical can be put both ways. You can say it will increase this but decrease that. What they like to do is take a negative and then push it like it's so much farther then it would be. One thing I heard was the eating meat can cause you to be diabetic. No thats not what causes it... Being out of shape and consuming too much sugar can cause it. If you eat too much meat then sure maybe you could but they come across that if I wanna have a piece of steak that I'm going to have a heart attack and be dead. There are doctors who will legit say that being vegan is healthier but there are also kinds that will say eating meats is healthier. However if your gonna be a Vegan just try not to be a douche about it.
Also I just want to say that Vegetarians are like this sometimes but not nearly to the extreme of a Vegan. I mean they don't drink milk... How can anyone not want to drink milk.
Funny how I didn't even think I had anything to rant about and I end up going off about shit. Anyways I might do this more often. Until then be safe and have a Happy *Insert Closest Holiday Here*. Thank You.
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