Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Fucking Pissed

I am so fucking tired of this fucking windows. I swear to god I can't use a damn web browser that isn't Explorer. It's fucking ridiculous because I go and use flock and that works for a little while and then it give me the bullshit... Illegal Operation bullshit. Is the Illegal Operation that I am not using explorer? Then I used Safari and that was working fine for a little while. So what happens when I use that... I can't even leave the homepage without it saying it has performed an Illegal Operation and must be closed down. It's fucking Ridiculous and pisses me the fuck off. Yah I am swearing like a fucking sailor but right now I'm saying fuck the whole class thing and looking somewhat intelligent. I should be able to go to a goddamn site on another browser and not get that same bullshit message every single fucking time. Hell I probably won't even be able to post this cause it will say it's an Illegal Operation. I am not going to go and start using explorer because it is slow and it fucking sucks. Sure it may not say Illegal Operation but by the time I actually get to the damn site I could have started Flock 6 times over. I swear this kinda shit makes me want to get a mac. I should just be different and get Linux even though it's supposed to be horrible.

Now I'm ending this rant and I wish I could say I was drunk when I did it but I am stone cold sober right now. So yah fuck windows and I can't wait to fucking change once I can afford Apples ridiculous prices

Thursday, November 6, 2008

OMG... shut the fuck up

Alright unless your living under a rock or are just retarded then you know that Obama became president elect. Now I am not going to spend my time ranting about reasons I don't like him cause I really don't have the time for that. However what I am going to talk about is how people are acting about it and how this entire election was a joke.

There seems to be alot of people, who are both white and black that are talking about how this is a huge step for America. I am not going to go and debate that because this country elected a black president and that does go to show how far we have come. However people are going around and saying "Finally America is rid of all that racism and discrimination that we had." So according to these people anyone who voted for McCain is a racist and a bigget? Had McCain won would people be talking about how Obama lost because he is black? I have heard so many people talk about how they never voted, yet they voted this year because of Obama. These are the same people who didn't vote in 2000 and 2004 and constantly bitch about Bush as president.

Also people's reasons for not voting for McCain is flawed as well. The Obama camp did nothing but attack McCain and say he is like Bush. McCain is not a conservative republican, he is a moderate and I would even go as far as liberal Republican at times. Alot of his views and opinions are very different then Bush. So this whole argument is flawed and the McCain camp should have done a better job of showing that he is not like Bush.

Another thing I want to get at is all these people who act like Clinton was the greatest president ever. Oh yeah the guy put us in a surplus and allowed for people to buy houses with no money down and then the federal government would have to bailout the banks. He also took the Military and completely skimmed it to the point where it cost the US billions of dollars to build it back up. What Clinton did was he made sure things were good while he was president, however you don't judge a president by what he does during those 4-8 years as president. You judge him by what is going on after he has left office and 8 years after Clinton left office we are still feeling the affects of what he did. A good president will make sure the country remains strong after they have left the white house. Clinton didn't do that and because of that we are feeling the affects of it.

The economy is now getting stronger and the dollar is up. Even though this was starting to happen before Barack was elected people will go around and act like Obama is the reason for all this. I heard one person say that Obama is going to get us out of Iraq, he is going to help the national debt, and he is going to do all these things that I don't think Jesus could do if he came back.

I hope Obama does a good job but I just don't see it happening. There really needs to be some kind of an IQ test for people voting. Ask a simple question like, who is the VP and if you get it right you can vote. Hell ask what party Obama and McCain are for. Something simple so idiots aren't going around voting because they think it is cool and they want to be like... "I elected a black president so I'm not a racist." I personally think that people who voted for Obama because he is black are the racist ones because all your doing is looking at color. It also shouldn't take a black guy running for president to get black people to vote. Thats like me only voting when an Italian guy is running. Am I supposed to vote for some guy named Johnny the Bull because he is Italian. Oh yah sure he killed 27 babies but he killed those babies in self defense and come up with bullshit like that. That may sound extreme but is it really that different then Obama being connected with Islamic organization that have proven connections with terrorist organizations. Also that isn't "republican propaganda" that so many democrats and liberals want to point out but that is proven fact.

Doing this rant has gotten me pissed off but I figure that I might as well get this out because sometimes I just feel like I'm the only person who says this shit and doesn't hold back.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Congrats Obama

He isn't the guy I voted for. However he is the president and there is nothing anyone can do about it. So I am doing this now to say I will support Barack Obama as our president and hope he does a good. I am not going to be some republican who is hoping he will fail. I hope he does a good job and is able to get my vote in the 2012 election. Congrats Obama and I hope you make this country stronger.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I honestly don't understand how some people are. Espicially the liberals of this country. They look at everything in a negative fashion. The stock market is doing bad right now and we just had the 700 billion dollar buyout but they don't think of what the future will be. The Buyout was basically a way to get banks to start lending money again, which in turn allows for people to be able to start spending money again and boosting the American economy. Were not going to see this happen right away but I think thats just what these people think. If it doesn't work right away then it is a failure. It feels as if they want for there to be a great depression 2, almost as if they are cheering for it and counting down the days. In 10 years the buyout can allow for more money to go into the economy and people to live the American dream that they always dreamed about.

I just don't understand how their whole mindsets work. Try to look at something in a positive fashion and looking at how this can work. Now I'm not going to say be all positive about it and not have any questions, however don't just shoot things down and act like it's the end of this country and were going to have people jumping the border into Mexico. Thats really all I got to say on this issue and again how liberals piss me off.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Politcal Rant

A Political Rant

Alright forget the introduction and I’ll just get right into it.

WHAT THE HELL IS MCCAIN THINKING? He picked Sarah Palin of Alaska as his choice for VP. The only thing good about this is that she is a woman and she could help get the female vote. The main problem with this selection is that the main thing the Republicans were using against Obama was his lack of experience. Well you just chose someone who has only 18 months of experience in office as your VP. Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?

Let’s also be realistic for a second. McCain is 72 years old and is not in the best of health. So there is a possibility that he could die in office and then we have Sarah Palin as the President of the United States. McCain should have picked just about anybody else. Why not someone who has more experience and that people actually know? I guarantee you that when most people heard that selection their first response was, “who?”

Palin is also the governor of Alaska. Now she has done a good job but let’s not forget that we are talking about Alaska. Alaska is one of the least most populated states in the country so there is not much to manage. She is a big fish in a small pond and now she is going to be thrown into the ocean where the fish are a lot bigger.

I just straight up do not understand this selection. I want to see McCain win the election but I think he hurts his chances big time with picking Palin. Of course he may get more of the Hilary supporters because of this, but he could lose the people who would have voted for McCain because of Obama’s lack of experience.

I will say one thing though. If the Palin does end up becoming president she’ll be the hottest president ever. She won’t know what the fuck she is doing, but she’ll be hot.

EDIT: I actually really started to like Palin after I wrote this. I think she could be a great VP or even President one day. However picking her now was very immature and in the end it may have been what cost McCain the election.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Those Damn Doctors

Those Damn Doctors

Alright I haven’t done one of these in a while; however I will be talking about one thing. This isn’t going to be much of a rant but more of a writing or commentary. The topic I will be addressing in this writing will be doctors.

Lets first define what the basic definition of a doctor is. According to Webster’s Dictionary a Doctor is defined as: –noun
1. a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.

That is the basic definition of what a medical doctor is someone who is licensed to practice medicine. However doctors are sworn in with the Oath of Hippocrates. If you wondering what this Oath is you are in luck because I will post it right here.

The Oath of Hippocrates

I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others.
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!

Alright now that you have read it I want you to go and read it again and really take in what it says. According to this oath you are supposed to actually help people and not look to get a reward. You are supposed to do everything in your power to make people get better. It doesn’t matter who someone is or how much money they have. Someone like Bill Gates should get the same amount of medical attention as some homeless guy.

Now allow for me to get into the first point of my argument here. So many Doctors out there have a god-complex. They feel they should be treated like a god because they helped someone who was sick get better. That is something they swore to do and should never ask to be treated like they are above other men or women. They enjoy the feeling like someone’s life is in their hands and they have the power to save them. Almost as if they are some kind of a savior. The facts are that these people are only human. Of course they may know more about curing people then me or most people, but they are no different then anyone else. They can get sick like everyone else can, and there is nothing that makes them better human beings then anyone else.

Another problem I have with doctors is some of them just do it for the money. If you want to become a doctor then how much you get paid should not matter. If you only want to be a doctor because you will make a lot of money then you should not be a doctor. You should not be doing it for the money, but because you want to help people. So many doctors care so much about making money or having fame. Someone told me that if you take all the head CEOs of major companies and give them some kind of cancer, you will have 5 different versions of a cure in a week.

Now not to be naïve with the fact that money matters. I’m not saying doctors shouldn’t be paid at all, because they should be making some money. I’m also not going to be naïve and say that doing this research is free because it is not. Doctors will need some money in order to be able to do proper research on a disease. What I am referring to are the doctors who care more about finding a cure because it will fatten up their wallets, then the actual concept of savings people’s lives.

I may seem like am contradiction myself with this next statement but trust me I am not. It is a huge misconception that every doctor makes 6-7 figure salaries a year. For some that is true but a lot of them do not make a lot of money. There are people out there who are day-laborers and they make more money then some doctors. Also factor in the fact that they have spent easily over 100k to go to school to become one. However this is the point of becoming a doctor. You want to help people so bad that you don’t care about how much money you are making. When you g to work you feel good about yourself and know your doing the right thing. You may not have a huge house or a luxury car, but you do not care because you main reward in life is the fact that you are helping people and doing everything in your power to make people feel better.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Day Another Rant

Another Day another Rant

Alright I did a rant a couple days ago and today I am going to give another rant. So allow for me to just go and write and then you can think whatever you want about it.

There are all kinds of forms of discrimination but there is a kind that people don’t seem to ever talk about. This kind is when someone assumes someone is a racist because of where they live or because of how they look. These are the same people who go around and swear they are not racist or that they discriminate. However when they see someone from another part of the country then they assume because they live there that they are a racist. It’s the same thing when they see some white guy with a bald head and a goatee. They will look at them in disgust and not even know the kind of person that they are and just assume that because they have that look then they are a racist. The people who do this are hypocrites because they have the same kind of mindset people have who are racist. These people are not against discrimination in anyway, they are the people who are keeping it strong. No one seems to ever bring this up but it happens a lot especially when it comes to people towards the south. There is no place in the country that has no racist people. There is also no special look that someone can have that automatically should mark them as a racist.

Another thing that is annoying is the people who are blind to Apple. These people will bring up all the positives to it but when something is legitimately criticized they get all pissed and say how it’s still a good product. Apple is not the perfect company and they have made their mistakes. So the people who go around and act like they are perfect and almost take it personally when you legitimately criticize them are close minded.

I also just saw a commercial where Harrison Ford was talking about the rainforests and how they are being ripped out. During this commercial he was getting his chest waxed. I just found that kind of odd and a little weird.

Alright this was a quick one but that’s really all I needed to write about today. Sometimes they are 10 pages long and some days they may be a paragraph. For a while I was actually considering doing a ranting schedule but if I did that I would have to force rants and it would reduce the quality of them. I care more about the quality and being happy with what I write then just writing for the hell of it. So again who knows when the next rant will be done, and I would tell you but even I do not know.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Some Things to Talk About

Some Things to talk about

Alright I have a few things to talk about today. I have decided to start my facebook whoring and I guess facebook is the new cool thing now. Anyways that’s a bunch of useless stuff I just mention and if you haven’t figured out I suck at intros then I won’t say anything and let you think whatever it is your sick little minds want to think.

Alright the first topic I want to address is Starbucks. Anyways I went into there a week ago or so and I noticed they had something new called a “vivanno.” So I asked the girl what the hell that was and she told me it is a smoothie. I then asked if there is anything that really makes it special and she just replied no. Why the hell can’t Starbucks just call it a smoothie? They have to constantly try to call things something different so they can feel more upscale or something. I compare Starbucks to those people who explain things in the most complicated way possible because they think by doing that it makes them look smarter then they usually are. Where if we convert this over to Starbucks they are trying to make it look like the smoothie and coffee they have are much better then anyone else. Also I just wanted to also mention that those “vivanno” as Starbucks calls them suck. Oh and while I am at it, people at Starbucks must be given some kind of a mind warping drug or something cause I went in there and asked for a medium coffee and they looked all confused. Then I told them I wanted a Grande (because that is their term for a medium) and then they got what I was talking about.

I hate any kind of anti-drug or anti-smoking commercial because they never work and make me want to start doing drugs and smoking. However what is annoying is the whole “talk to your kids about drugs.” What the fuck are you actually supposed to talk about. Ok let’s have a talk about drugs “don’t do them.” Honestly what else is there to say? Do they expect these parents to have a history with drugs and tell them how they made mistakes and how it ruined their life or something like that. Not every person has a history with drugs. I mean when I have kids and I am supposed to be like “Yeah I smoked weed before and it made to laugh uncontrollably.”

Speaking of anti-smoking ads they got to stop with the smoking is bad for your health and start with a smoking is bad for your wallet. Hell I would get rid of the Surgeon General Warning and put an Economic General Warning. “Smoking may reduce your chances of having money.” I don’t know I just thought of something on the whim.

Also they got to bring back actual fortune cookies. I’m tired of these fucking Chinese proverbs that are not even a fortune. I can’t even think of an example right now because I am tired. However if you actually get a fortune cookie you would know what I mean. Also anyone who thinks the fat loaded stuff you get for Chinese food is real Chinese food then you are an idiot. If that’s what Chinese people eat then they would be as fat as Americans are. They eat stuff like plain noodles and rice.

I’m just sitting here looking at some of the rants I was planning on doing and I don’t even know if I wrote about some of the stuff on here or not. However if you have a request for something for me to write about then just let me know.

I’ve also decided that if I ever started doing video rants on youtube I’m going to run about a month of hype videos saying how I am coming. People always like to be intrigued and I like to give the people what I want (as long as it works to my advantage)

Alright now it’s time for the closing paragraph of this rant. Alright this is it and if you like what I read then great and if you hate what I wrote then great. Also if you are going to bitch at me for microscopic grammar errors then next time I will let you read and correct my rants before I post them. Also I will proof read them if you correct them cause you’ll probably put something like “I hate Jews” in these or something and make me look like a racist asshole. Anyways let me close this out before I think of something else and give 3 closing paragraphs.

And yes I was tested for ADD when I was younger.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

GET THE POINT (Michael Savage)!!!!


Alright I haven’t done a rant in a few weeks however something really pissed me off where I had to write about it. A lot of people probably heard about what Michael Savage said about autism. Now I want you to look at an article by the anti-conservative group Media Matters

In the article in states that Michael Savage is trying to take cheap show and belittle kids. If you actually looked at the entire thing he said then you would see that is not what he was trying to do and that isn’t what he did. They also talked like he was talking down to minorities with asthma, when in fact he wasn’t. What he was doing was bringing up known facts that people in minority groups were not given the appropriate care and were just diagnosed with asthma to get the money flowing for this racket. This organization took what he said completely out of context and doesn’t understand the point he was trying to make. Now what I am going to do now is post the entire transcript of what he said and I hope you are smart enough to get the point of what he is trying to say.

SAVAGE: Now, you want me to tell you my opinion on autism, since I'm not talking about autism? A fraud, a racket. For a long while, we were hearing that every minority child had asthma. Why did they sudden -- why was there an asthma epidemic amongst minority children? Because I'll tell you why: The children got extra welfare if they were disabled, and they got extra help in school. It was a money racket. Everyone went in and was told [fake cough], "When the nurse looks at you, you go [fake cough], 'I don't know, the dust got me.' " See, everyone had asthma from the minority community. That was number one.
Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is.
What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a father around to tell them, "Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot."
Autism -- everybody has an illness. If I behaved like a fool, my father called me a fool. And he said to me, "Don't behave like a fool." The worst thing he said -- "Don't behave like a fool. Don't be anybody's dummy. Don't sound like an idiot. Don't act like a girl. Don't cry." That's what I was raised with. That's what you should raise your children with. Stop with the sensitivity training. You're turning your son into a girl, and you're turning your nation into a nation of losers and beaten men. That's why we have the politicians we have.
Now the point he is trying to make here is that parents have to straighten up and stop babying their kids so much. The other point that he is trying to make is that it is a huge racket and they are going to keep on diagnosing kids with autism and have them put on medication in order to give these pharmaceutical companies more money as well as the doctors who diagnose the child with autism. Someone also told me that LEGIT doctors are the ones who said that 1-150 kids are being diagnosed with autism. Give me a break that is like asking John Gotti if there is a mafia and then believing him when he said that there isn’t. These doctors are the ones who want to keep this racket going. They already do it and over diagnose kids with ADD and ADHD, and now they are starting to do it with autism because it is the “in” disorder now.

People also need to stop making a huge deal that Savage said 99% of the kids diagnosed with autism don’t really have it. Yes this is an over exaggerated number but it’s really no different when your outside on a hot day and you say “it’s a 1000 degrees out.” Obviously you are over exaggerating those numbers but people see that and they just think Savage is an insensitive asshole.

I’ve also been looking online and talking to people about what Michael Savage said and for the most part, people agree with him and understand the point he was trying to make. This isn’t just me talking to right wing nut jobs, but I have talked to several people who are more liberal and to the left and they support what Michael Savage is saying and say how he is bringing up a good point.

We need more people like Michael Savage who say what is on their minds and doesn’t hold back because they are worried they will offend someone. I completely support Michael Savage and think people need to do the same thing. This isn’t about being conservative, liberal, left, or right. This is about freedom of speech and being able to say what is on your mind. I will also say right now that I may not agree with the stuff liberals say but that is their right to say it because we have freedom of speech.

That is all I am going to cover in this rant. I have thing I plan on ranting about soon. Don’t know when they will happen but just wait and you’ll get them.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

So Much Insanity

So Much Insanity

That’s right. I am still alive and I haven’t changed where I do my rants either. There just really hasn’t been much to rant about however today I got a few things I just got to let out.

Now it has been a year since the whole thing happened where WWE wrestler Christ Benoit killed his family. What I want to bring up today is I watch people make videos of him or write things about him and they claim that they “knew him.” People who say this shit are complete fucking idiot. Just because you watched someone on TV once or twice a week does not mean that you knew him. Also meeting the guy at an autograph session and even talking to him for a few minutes, is not knowing him. So stop with the whole bullshit about how you knew and you couldn’t imagine how he could do that. The same thing happened when OJ was on trial. People who watched him play football would claim that they couldn’t believe he did that because they knew him and he killed 2 people in a very gruesome way.

This is how sports are with people. People think that because they watch a guy perform on TV that it means they know him, and because he keeps a good personality while he is playing that it automatically makes him this honest and good person. I’ll even give you a few examples. People said Roger Clemens was a standup guy and would never cheat. Within a few months this guy was linked to steroids and having an affair with an underage girl. Let’s also look at Marvin Harrison, people always said he was a standup guy then a situation happens where there is a shootout that involved guns that he had.

Now enough with the sports related talk. Let’s go onto something I’m sure people have heard of. A little while back there were a group of 17 teenage girls who decided to make a pact and would all get pregnant. Now these girls didn’t even care who the father of their baby was going to be, they just wanted to get pregnant. This is shown as proof as one of them is a 24 year old homeless guy. These girls decided it would be fun to have a baby, but they don’t realize that they are fucked. These girls probably can’t support themselves so I don’t know what makes them think they can afford to support a baby. This story pretty much speaks for itself on how retarded these girls really are.

Also let it be known that there is no such thing as a big dick car. I had a friend who is going to get some fancy sports car and I told him that’s a small dick car, then he goes and asks, what’s a big dick car? My answer was that there is no big dick car because what makes a car a small dick car is that people will think they have a big dick while driving it. The best thing to do is to get a car you like and don’t get a car because people will think you are cool. All cars work the same way and will get you to your destination, assuming that they are in working order. Yes this was a really random thing to talk about but right now I am just going on instinct.

Does anyone buy a soda and see a code on the bottle cap and actually go online to enter it in. For all I know I could have one millions or dollars but I really don’t feel like wasting my time and going online and entering the code. Whatever happened to winning something instantly? I want to win something and not have to go online to see if I even won anything. They could at least tease you a little bit and put on the cap “YOU WIN” and under it have some code you enter online. I mean sure you’ll get online and find out what you win and see it’s a 20 oz soda, but at least you actually decided to go online and bother entering the code. Also another thing that pisses me off is they don’t have the just win free 20 oz cap anymore. Now it’s just a buy on get one free. What the fuck, I don’t want to have to buy something in order to get something free. I want to just get the free soda and be done with it.

Alright this rant is done. I don’t know when the next one will be done. My next rant could be tomorrow or it could be in 3 months. Just let it be known that I am never going to stop writing rants. So unless I die there will be another rant.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Alright allow for me to just write

Alright allow for me to just write

Alright this is going to be a little bit of a rant and a little bit of just writing. I don’t really know what it’s going to be more of so just sit back. Have a smoke or drink some whiskey and enjoy it. You could also sit back with a cranberry juice or something I don’t give a shit.

The first thing I would like to discuss is old English. I’m sure a lot of people have read something from Shakespeare and look at it as being very sophisticated English. I disagree with that and it’s the fact that no one was around at that time. Slang is one of the hardest things to pick up on when you read and the hardest part about learning any kind of a language is learning the slang part of it. My assumption is that all of this so called “sophisticated” English is nothing more then slang. I could just imagine how a dialogue and the footnotes you would have if people read or listened to the way spoke in 100 years.

“How you doin, son” or “Take it easy bro”

Now we look at this and this is how people will talk now. Saying son doesn’t mean your referring to an actual son that you father or mother. Saying Bro isn’t referring to your brother, and take it easy could even be hard to comprehend to people who may read the English language in 100 years.

So with that you could look at a phrase like this from (and this is just some random line I grabbed):

O, where is Romeo? saw you him to-day?
Right glad I am he was not at this fray.

This is how this would be said today.

Hey, Where’s Romeo? Have you seen him today? I’m glad (or Thank God) he wasn’t at that fight.

Now is that really that much different? I could get into more complex shit but by this point I have probably already put people asleep so let me get on with doing a little rant.


Alright I am so tired of these horror movies that are constantly coming out. I mean you have a movie where a girl is at her prom or something and some guy escapes out of jail to kill. It’s fucking retarded because it’s like they make it so everything has to come together perfectly. This guy who I guess killed her family or something just happened to escape from jail when she had her prom. That is so fucking stupid. Plus they all seem to be the same damn thing… some crazy guy goes on a killing spree, then all of a sudden he kills some people no one cares about, oh and then kills the person everyone seem to like and people hate it, and then he kills the person everyone hates and people cheer. Oh don’t forget about the whole anticipating moment that end up being nothing and then all of a sudden BOOM there is something coming out of nowhere. Plus have you ever noticed that whenever they start to have that slow music and suspense it never ends up being nothing. Those movies are fucking predictable and they get boring quickly.

Another thing is can we please stop with all the movies that have a fucking drug thing in them. There are so many fucking movies that seem to have the whole drug embargo going on and then someone gets into serious trouble and is probably even killed. SAME OLD SHIT.

Also now that we are on movies I want to mention something about Will Farrell. I used to really like him but then I saw his last movie about some basketball team or some shit. Then it occurred to me that this guy has got the exact same character in all of his movies, Old School, Ricky Bobby, That figure skating movie, Anchorman and all his others. The guy was hilarious when he first left SNL and did movies, but now he seems to just be getting boring and doing the same shit over and over again. Plus every time he tries to do some movie where he acts differently it is horrible. Shit Nicole Kidman was funnier then he was in Bewitched. It also just seems like at times he is trying too hard to be funny.

I’m sitting here looking at the shit I was going to write about. However with my ranting I got to be pumped up about something and it has to be fresh in my mind. I got about 5 things I was looking to write about and trust me they may come in time, but not quite yet. When the time comes you will get them and now that I am starting to write I just thought about something else.

The next thing I am going to talk about the Howard Stern Show. I don’t understand why so many people are obsessed with his show. If you listen to it all it is, is the same shit over and over again. He has one of his weird people call up and they all make fun of him. They have some porn star or something come in and they get all perverted with her and try to get her to strip and go on that sex machine they have, whatever the fuck it is called. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s not ok once in a while because I don’t mind a little stupid talk every now and then. However I can’t really watch it for more then 2 days in a row. I need some kind of intelligent radio where people talk about the shit that matters. Plus people got to stop with acting like Stern is a genius. It’s like a said before about how a name means a lot. There are thousands of people out there who could do his show, but because of his name people will look at him as the king.

Well after all my writing and thinking and thinking I guess I should… Oh wait I just thought of something else. Also if you’re wondering, yes I have been tested for ADD.

You ever look at someone and say they are a genius. Being a genius means you have a high IQ but it does not mean you are intelligent. Intelligence is measured by the decisions that you make. Being a genius just means you have a high IQ. Charlie Manson was a genius but he wasn’t intelligent. Had the guy been intelligent then he wouldn’t have used his mind in order to manipulate people to kill for him. Most Serial killers are geniuses, but they are not intelligent because they are using what they have just to go out and kill people. They are the fucking obsessed who probably go around and have newspaper cutouts of the people who they have killed to make them feel like some kind of a celebrity. So don’t look at some guy and think he knows all because he is a fucking genius. It’s not being a genius you want to have but it is having the intelligents to not do stupid things

Now I think I am going to close this out. I’ll just do it now in order to prevent me from thinking about something else to write about.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time to Vent

Time to vent

Alright I was watching the local news today and I hadn’t watched it for a while. The reason I didn’t watch it as often as I should because of the fact that it just pissed me off. This time is no different so here it is.

Alright one of the things I first saw is that this guy in Texas wants to run for mayor in a city. Sure it doesn’t sound like anything shocking, but the guy is a registered sex offender. Why the fuck would they allow for a registered sex offender to run for mayor? This is just something that pisses me off and I really can not understand this kind of crap. The guy should be lashed and yet he is running for mayor. Also when you really think about it, in order for this guy to even be able to run he would have had to have raised money and gotten supporters. So it shows that some people actually want this guy to become a mayor. People should be fucking shot for shit like this and anyone who votes for him should get their dicks/cunts ripped off.

Alright now onto the next thing I saw. At the Boston Aquarium they allow for the people to swim with sting rays. Oh and guess what… one of the people who did it got stabbed by the sting ray and died. Then again you here these people who work with sting rays say they are docile and calm creatures. Didn’t they learn anything from Steve Irwin dying. Yes they may be docile creatures for the most part, but they have the ability to be very dangerous and kill. So why the fuck would the aquarium allow for people to swim with them? This is just shit I don’t understand and it shows the stupidity of people.

Now let me go onto something else. Why the fuck is the government wasting money on shit that has to do with sports. I swear this senator for Pennsylvania is spending money because the NE Patriots cheated with a camera. Is that really something you need to spend taxpayer money on? The NFL is not a federal company so stay the fuck out of it. The same can be said with this same steroid bullshit. There are other things they should be spending money on then doing a fucking federal investigation on this shit. Pisses me the fuck off that the money that gets taken out of my paycheck goes to this garbage.

Alright that’s all I needed to vent out on and thank you for reading. Also if you didn’t read what I said and just went to the last paragraph then you’re a fucking idiot who can’t manage to read a simple page. You probably spend your time looking at stupid shit while letting your mind rot yet you think you are smart because you can tell me who is going to win the NCAA Tournament, when in reality you’re an idiot. Thank you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Stupid Statements

Stupid Statements

Alright here is another actual rant and just act like I said some interesting introductory and I’m going to get onto it. Oh and here is a 2nd paragraph so it at least seems like a small paragraph and not just one sentence.

I absolutely can not stand it when people make stupid statement. I get a lot of this when I am working at night and people just say stupid and obvious. The other day it was raining out and so many people went to me and said “wow it’s really raining.” Thank you so much for stating such and obvious thing, I’m surprised these people didn’t become meteorologist. Here are a few stupid statements and things people say that just seems to annoy the shit out of me.

“You working hard or hardly working”

“Wow your wearing all black”

“Hot enough for you.” This is usually by people when it’s like 90 degrees outside and what am I supposed to be like. Yeah I wish it was a little hotter so I would be even uncomfortable right now.

“Are you working tonight:” This is a retarded one for me because I wear a uniform and I wouldn’t be wearing it if I wasn’t working. The same when you see a guy walking home with a Best Buy shirt and people would be like “Oh did you just get out of work”

Now here is another stupid thing that I see on bumper sticker or see people say. “I want peace in the world.” You idiot everyone is going to want peace so it’s not like there is this group of people who are like “yah I wish a war would break out right now and I want to live in a place where I got to dodge bullets” Everyone is going to want peace so why do people think they are so unique and standing up for something that is fucking moral sense. Unless you’re some maniac who wants to go around and be in a war then you’re going to want peace.

There are just so many stupid things that people say and if anyone wants to do a little mini-rant in my comments about stupid statements then go ahead and do it because there are a lot more then this.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lets bring it back

This is not going to be a long rant but one thing I will say is that it will be a rant. Lately I have not been doing much ranting and looking at some of my recent writing all they seem to be is something where I am trying to inform people. All the writings have been lately is me trying to do something different, but I will not be doing that as much lately. The way I wrote was simply a way to let out frustration and anger towards all the fucked up things people say and do in this world. So enough of the commentary and enough of me writing about shit that you can Google and see about 8000 things on with people trying to inform. The reason I started writing was not to inform people about shit. What the fuck was the point of writing about shit like how to save money? Its common sense on how that shit is done. We all know you are going to get tons of people who are going to take facts and mix them around and it's the reader’s job, not mine, to find these things. I will be going back to RANTING when I feel fired up about a topic enough. My next rant could be months away, or I may get fired up about something enough that I'll write something later on tonight. However now that I think about it, there was something that I had been wanting to rant about for a while and I didn't let it out because I wanted to do it in a video rant, but fuck that I am going to just rant about it now.

Alright now I like to go on YouTube and watch videos once in a while. However there are people who are obsessed with wanting to get their names out. What they will do is that on YouTube you can post video responses to other people videos. They will look for a video from someone who has a lot of subscribers and then post a video response to one of their videos. The problem with this is that the video they are posting has absolutely nothing to do with the video they are responding to. I saw some idiot reply to a video that had to do with Macs by one of the top subscribers and it was just some fucking idiot doing nothing more then rapping. Some fucking rapper, who is undiscovered, and is fucking horrible, trying to get people to listen to your crap by replying to a video someone who people actually give a shit about.

Also does every fucking black dude want to be a fucking rapper? I go down the corner and see 2 homeless guys trying to rap. One will be having a harmonica and the other will rap and look likes a fucking moron. People probably only give these idiots money because they think they are retarded. Cut the fucking BS and get a fucking job like anyone else would. You may also want to look to stop smoking crack as well.

Alright there was a rant and this was actually a rant and now I actually have the gratification and I am getting my fire back with what I rant about. Now I may still do writings from time to time, but they will be more like the things I wrote when I wrote about Utopia. This is not “Enriquo News”. Also there are probably about 5000 grammar errors on this. I wrote this at work and right now I got to run so please shut the fuck up about them. I'll probably correct them later.

EDIT: Ok grammar was corrected. Don’t lie because you didn’t think I would actually do it. Yes you know who you are.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Misleading Facts and the Power of a Name

Misleading Facts and the Power of a Name

Alright again I am not really going to be doing much of a rant but more of just writing. Some people seem to like this style of writing while some people think it really doesn’t feel the same. I can write in very different ways and when I feel like doing another one of my rants where I just go all out then I will do it.

People will do whatever they can in order to try to get their points across. They are willing to do whatever they can and a lot of them will tell you that what they say is fact. When they say what they say is true they are telling the truth, however they will also bring up facts that are irrelevant or negate certain other facts. In this situation they are not technically lying, but they are still misleading in their convictions.

There are several examples of this situation. There are a ton of rapists in the world and if you asked 10 of them if they masturbated before they raped someone they would all say yes. So to someone who is trying to stop someone from masturbating and trying to give the impression it is bad they could say that 10 out of 10 rapists said they masturbated first before they raped someone. So does that means that if you masturbate you are going to become a rapist? It doesn’t mean that at all but people will want you to believe it. If this were true then just about every person on earth would be a rapist.

Maybe that example seemed a little bit too farfetched for you, so I’ll give an example of something that people here about more often: “If you smoke marijuana, you’ll start doing other drugs.” Now let’s look at the facts here, people who are using cocaine, heroin, LSC, or most other drugs have stated that they started off by doing marijuana. Now to someone who is trying to convince you that pot is a gateway drug, that’s where they will stop in delivering their facts. They fail to mention that out of all the people who do pot most of them DO NOT end up trying other drugs. Also lets not forget that pot is the easiest drugs to get, so somebody who is thinking about experimenting with drugs and wants to try all kinds of stuff is going to end up trying pot first because it is the most accessible. Now they already got it in their minds that they want to try out new drugs, it’s not like they are trying pot for the first time and after they smoke it they are like “damn that weed was good, but now I want to try some crack.”

Allow for me to give another example of this situation. The other night I was watching TV and I stumbled across an infomercial saying how you can make money buying foreclosed homes. They mention things like how you can get them cheap and below market value, but they fail to realize important things. When you buy a foreclosed home you are buying blind because the bank isn’t going to let you look in the inside of that house and do you really expect the people who are getting kicked out of their house to let you take a look? Also don’t forget that when houses are foreclosed it’s not like someone comes to the house one day and tells the people to get out and it’s all settled in a day with someone making sure the people don’t damage the house. Foreclosure proceedings will last at least 3 months. In 3 months you can do a lot to damage a house and someone could just go and take a chainsaw to it. Another thing about foreclosures is the price is only about 5%-10%, on average, less then what the market value is. Someone who is trying to sell the fact that buying foreclosed houses will tell you that you can get a house at 40%-50% less then the market value. Now this isn’t a lie because you will only pay about 5%-10%, on average, less then what the market value is. The key phrase there is “on average” which means that there are houses that could end up going that cheap, however it is highly rare. One more thing is that even if you did get the house for less then what the market value is, the house could be damaged so bad that you may end up spending so much money to fix or even rebuild the house that you end up spending more money then what the market value for that house was. This section actually turned into a little part by itself, but I’ll go on.

I was going to make this a one topic writing, but now I feel like writing about something me and one of my friends briefly discussed. Someone I know today bought a video game and didn’t even play it. The only reason he even bought this game in the first place was because it was Final Fantasy. Even though he may not even like this series he still bought it because of the Final Fantasy name and the history that it has. A name is a huge part of marketing and how we look at things and it’s not just in games. If you blindly went to someone and told them, ok you can have a Mercedes or a Ford, which one do you want? Now without even knowing what exactly their choices are most people are going to pick Mercedes because of the name and what it represents.

A few months ago some movie about a singer came out and it was supposedly a parody on the Johnny Cash movie. This movie had some actor I didn’t care about so I had no desire to want to see the movie. If this movie had put Will Ferrell in there then I would have wanted to see it and that’s another example of a name. Will Ferrell has a representation as being a funny guy so even if a movie looks like it won’t be funny at all, if he is in it then it’s going to spark people’s interest a little more.

This goes with advertising as well. If you own a bar and are like “we sell Boston Brewed Harpoon Ale” most people are not going to know what the hell you are talking about. If you are like “we sell Boston Brewed Samuel Adams” then people will know what you are talking about and would be more inclined to come to your bar. You also don’t see electronics stores advertise that they sell Vizio, Magnavox, and Sylvania. So they are going to advertise that they sell Sony, Panasonic, and Samsung. This is because the name sells and gets people interested in what they have.

Alright I am going to end it with that. I may have gone a little too far with the examples but I think they got my point across. Anyways have a nice weekend and don’t start smoking crack. I mean unless you want to smoke crack, but don’t say I told you to do it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

All about the Money

All about the Money

Alright like the last thing I wrote this isn’t going to be a rant but of a viewpoint on people and money. Why people get into debt? Why they don’t set their priorities straight etc. This will be a writing in which I want to just talk about some things and why so many people mismanage their money because of ego.

You see people all the time who go and drive these $50,000 luxury cars. They will go and spend that extra money on the car just because of the logo on the car. Lets take 2 very similar cars that are actually made by the same company: The Lexus ES and the Toyota Avalon. As many of you probably know Toyota owns Lexus and the 2 cars I mentioned here are similar because they are both considered luxury. The Toyota Avalon has a base price of about 27k and then Lexus ES has a base price of 33k. So you are going to be spending an extra 6K for a different logo on the car. That is not worth the money, but people will buy it because they want people to know they are driving a Lexus. A car is simply something that will get you from one point to another and there it stops.

Now I know what some people are probably thinking and that’s “but if you have a good car people will know you are successful.” That’s not true and I want to use an example of this. I know a guy who sells real estate and he is going around driving a beat up Toyota Tacoma and then there is a guy who is making as much money as him yet he feels the need to drive around in a Porsche Cayan (however the hell you spell it). Now when I first wanted to get into real estate people would tell me, “you got to be driving in a fancy car so they know you’re successful.” That is not true because people look at the person who they are dealing with and not the car they drive. There are people out there who are loaded yet they will drive in the most economic car out there.

Now the car thing went on a little longer then I thought it would, but I’m guessing people don’t realize that there are little ways people spend their money foolishly. Let’s look at something as simple as food. Now let’s say you’re at work and its lunch time, so you go down to get a sandwich and a drink and then your spending about $10 a day on food. This ends up being you spending $50 a week on food and $200 a month. Meanwhile you can go to a deli and get enough roast beef, cheese and bread to last you a week of lunches at that same $10 dollars that only got you one sandwich. You can take it even further with it. Your eating dinner and you decide to cook up some pasta. Cook up more then you’re going to eat and then save the leftovers and use it for lunches or even dinner tomorrow. Little things like that are going to get you more money.

Remember that if the most important thing you should always put above everything is that you should always have food on the table, a roof over your head, and clean clothes to wear. There are people out there who drive an Escalade yet they are living with 5 other people in a crowded apartment. This is because of there ego. They know that people are more likely to see them in there Escalade then people will see them in there sausage fest apartment. People want to give the illusion that “yah I’m rich.” Those people are going to be in debt and living in a shithole for a long time because they are not smart with money.

Alright that is pretty much all I wanted to get across in this rant. I’ll be doing a video rant in the very near future and I already know what I am going to be ranting about so don’t worry. Some of you may have seen my test video rant but I don’t consider that my official first one. Anyways have a nice day and remember my 3 rules. If you don’t know them, then get your foot out of your ass. If this is the first time you are reading one of my rants: Don’t Get Pregnant/Get someone Pregnant, Don’t Get Arrested, and don’t get killed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Alright people I got some big celebrity news for all of you. Today at around 7am ET… Jennifer Love Huge Tits took out her trash. Then at the same time we saw Robert Duval wearing a black shirt. Now we are not sure but according to the guy who is asking for change in your local corner, what he is trying to say is that he is black. Robert Duval is not a black man and we can not confirm this yet but we can almost guarantee you that he is black. We have also heard rumors that Britney Spears said “Oh My God.” Now we do not know who her god is but it is confirmed that she has a god. We are still looking to find out who it is but it’s not yet confirmed.

Ok now what I just wrote was actually bullshit but I’m going to go take a look at one of those gossip sites and see what’s really going on and give you an idea of how sad some people really are.

“Vanessa Minnillo goes on so many damn vacations, it's hard to believe she actually had money to spare when a homeless man hit her up for cash today in NYC.

he was giving to the beggar, but didn't give anything up to TMZ on engagement rumors or sharp pal Lindsay Lohan.

The homeless guy was more talkative -- revealing the best and worst celebs to get money from in NYC.”

Alright that is all of that I can really look at. But that’s just an example. People actually report that this girl gave money to a homeless guy. Yeah it really is sad and I’ll end it with that.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Percepetion is Everything

Perception is Everything

Alright I haven’t written anything in a while but it’s mainly because of lack of anything that has really struck me as, I got to write about this. The writings and rants come when they come and like I have said, there is no guideline for when I write. What I will be writing today is about how perception is everything. Now let me just get to it.

When you go out somewhere and you’re with someone of the opposite sex, a lot of the times nothing is there. Perhaps you are friends with someone or your just going out somewhere with them and hanging out. To you and this other person there is nothing going on here. However to the outsiders, they see a guy a girl together so they assume those 2 are together and are a couple. Sure you may not be holding hands nor doing anything that signifies that you are a couple, but people assume things.

Let me throw an example out for this situation. A guy who has a girlfriend is going with her somewhere to get a computer and the guy is experienced in this field. Now the guy goes out to a mall with this girl and takes a look at stuff. They both go to the computer store and then the girl goes and picks up a computer that you said was a good one. Anyways now you did what you came to do and your out and your both hungry. You decide that you want to grab something to eat and neither one of you feel like just grabbing something quick, you want to just go somewhere and sit and eat. So you go and you have dinner with each other. There is nothing romantic and you both actually split the bill and enjoy yourselves. Now what then happens is a few days later the guy gets a call from his GF asking what you were dong with her because one of her friends happened to see you 2 together. This friend saw you 2 together and perceived that the guy was cheating. So even though nothing actually happened the guy still has to defend himself and say what was going on. Everything ended up being fine and it’s all good now.

This isn’t just something as far as relationships go. Lets use the example from a while ago with Wendy’s and a finger. What happened at Wendy’s was that a girl found a human finger in her chili. She went and sued them and by the time the whole thing was over it turned out to be a hoax and the girl was just trying to get money off of them. Now the key to this argument is what happened after this whole thing ended. Even though it was proven that it was a scam with someone trying to get money, Wendy’s still saw a significant decline in sales and it affected their bottom line. Someone who may like Wendy’s and would go there all the time would know the story was bullshit, but still not want to get anything from there because of what they heard on the news and how they were perceived as having fingers in their food.

People also like to go out and add to a story. That friend of the girl probably told the guy’s girlfriend that she saw them holding hands. It’s not a major change of the story because the guy was still with her, but it’s enough to make it more interesting to the listener. The girl would have probably not even listened to her, and hell she may have even known they were going to be going out, but then you go and you add things to a story. People just have a natural tendency to want to tell a better story and add more excitement to it. It’s like when you watch a movie or a TV show and it says “based on a true story.” Of course the overall part of the story is going to be true, but the directors are going to add things to it. Make it more exciting for their audience in order to get more viewers. If you ever watch a show like “Law and Order”, what they do is they take actual events that happen, but then they add to them in order to make in more invigorating to viewer.

Alright I’m going to close it out with that. I don’t know when my next rant is going to be. Hell what I wrote today isn’t really a rant, but we’ll just call it that for the sake of it. Anyways don’t go getting yourselves killed.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Best of 2007 Pt 1

Best of 2007 Pt. 1

Alright I am deciding to do a best of 2007 of my rants. A lot of these are short and sweet and give an idea of what I am saying. I quickly just looked over my rants for key things I may have said. Since there were so many I am doing this in 2 parts. This first part here is from Jan-Jun. The 2nd part will have Jul-Dec. Anyways here it is.

Now this may piss some people off but I'm gonna say it. The word "guinea" is more offensive to Italians then "nigger" is to blacks. The word "nigger" is offensive but it has really lost it's impact.

Well let me just say that this woman is nothing more then a fuckin cunt. I'm dropping the C bomb on her cause that is what she is, calling her a bitch would be too nice. This fucking woman told the family that there son was DEAD. By doing this she tried to take away any hope of him being alive. Then this fuckin piece of shit has the nerve to say that she'll try to find there DEAD son for a small price of 700 bucks for every half hour.

BLACK COACK WON A SUPERBOWL!!!! Yeah that is nice but as far as I am concerned a black coach is the same as a white coach. The only difference is there skin color.

Some people wonder why I hate her so much and I will give you the reason. This woman was willing to let her husband mess around with another woman and didn't want to divorce him because it would affect her own political career. She is a political whore and it pisses me off.

The guy is going to be making 400k a year. Damn that is not bad. First you get into office because you broke the law and even though you were caught you still get to work on the radio where you can complain and act like you the victim in this situation.

If a guy was able to get with a girl for one night and it wasn't even that hard, can you imagine how many guys have already been there. I do not want to go someplace where every guy has gone before. I am straight with getting some STD.

I was trying to get that nasty taste out of my mouth but I couldn't. It was just too nasty. Luckily I got my Sprite and the lady tells me "Yah the syrup was out." WOW YOU DONT SAY!

I'm not gonna be all paranoid and think there gonna hit on me. What pisses me off is when 2 gays guys are together and are gonna try to get all touchy feely with each other. Yes that gets me unfortable and I don't know any straight guys who that wouldn't make unfomforable.

I go onto ESPN and there practically comparing these 2 guys (Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith) to Martin Luther King. Hell here was the headline you will see if you go to "Thirty-nine years after Martin Luther King Jr. imagined the Promised Land, two black NFL coaches got there." What the hell is that? Since when was the promised land reaching the SB? Can someone please fill me in on that cause thats something I am unsure about.

What the fuck kind of guy would want to get his dick pierced? I mean that is really fucked up and people can't be normal when they do that shit.

I get home and what do I see in the news “Anna Nicole Smith Dead” and it’s getting all this attention. Now honestly, who the fuck cares if she is dead? You know that shit like this should not even make the news.

No not the Hedgehog, that food place. The problem with this is that there isn't a Sonic within 150 miles of where I live (believe me I checked the site). I mean I don't like seeing these ads for it and getting me hungry when I can't even go there.

Let me also say that I dont understand why people love Nascar so much. It's a bunch of cars racing around a big circle. I dont find that shit exciting at all. The only good part of the race is when there is a crash and when it is finally over.

I really don’t give a flying fuck what Britney Spears does. I swear to god the dumb bitch gets a haircut and the media acts like this is ground breaking news.

Alright I was watching TV and I noticed a Trailer for the TMNT Movie (that’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the slow) and I just got to say… WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? I mean this is something I grew up on and all of a sudden there going to make it into something where they go and fight aliens and have to save the world.

ave you ever noticed that some people spend money on the stupidest thing. Any example of this is that people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for a pen. Thats right I didn't mispell that... A PEN. If I am going out and spending thousands on a pen then it better do more then just write.

I would go in there all discrete and be like "Yo dude get me this and throw in a box of condoms" dude would be like "WHAT". Then I'd have to say it a little louder and there would be some old lady with her grandkids behind me. Then the guy would have no idea what I was saying but unfortunately the grandmother did and now I look and she has an OMG kind of look on here face.

Getting a Vasectomy or getting your tubes tied is not a "Fuck All You Want" Card. Just because you have the ability to not get pregnant or not get a girl pregnant doesn't mean you can go out having sex whenever you want.

These guys that put on there fuckin body spray and colgne on wicked heavy. Why the fuck do you want people to be able to smell you from miles away. You just need enough so that when someone gets really close to you then they will be able to see you smell good. Not be able to smell you coming from across the hall. Plus most of these guys only put that stuff on so heavy because they didn't shower that day. It's pretty much a shower in a bottle.

First let me say that what I want to write on MY Journal is what I want to write. I should not have to make certain guidelines for things I should be writing about. If I want to write about something personal and someone doesn't want to hear it. Then go fuck yourself and don’t fucking read it. You people choose to go to my Journal and read what I got to say and if you don't fucking like what I have to put then you can just go fuck yourself.

Alright I am tired of seeing these ads for “Free Ring tones.” When the fuck did ring tones become such a huge thing? It the sound your phone makes when it rings, that’s all. Stop acting like a new ring tone is going to make everyone think you’re cool. All a ring tone does is telling you when someone is calling you.

Hell tonight I was watching the news and some 16 year old kid who used to be in a gang was shot and killed. Ok the guy is only 16 years old so it couldn’t have been that long ago. There saying all this bullshit about how he was trying to clean up his life and all this other bullshit. Most likely this kid was still in a gang but the family and everyone decided to say he wasn’t so that it actually looks like a tragedy.

I will also mention for you people who may go and say, "Well Priests aren't self conscience." If they are not self conscience then why do none of them seem to have a car that costs less the 30 grand? Everyone is self conscience in one way or another.

However I will tell you how a guy can beat his wife and still be liked: Bat .300, Score 10 Touchdowns, average 20 point per game, or even score 30 goals. That’s simply the kind of world we live in. We are willing to cheer for a guy who is abusive because they put up stats.

As far as suicide goes I show no sympathy for anyone who does that. Anyone who kills themselves and claims to love anyone is a liar. If you loved someone then you could never go through with it because you know the pain they will go through when you die. So you can not commit suicide and honestly love someone.

Regarding the Horse Barbaro: The horse was recently put to sleep and people are going crazy over it. Yes I do realize that it is a tragedy but there are people who have actually created their own religion in honor of this horse and the bravery it showed. They did everything possible to save this horse and the horse was treated better then most of us ever will be. So stop with the whole bullshit about the horse dying. The horse was most likely in a lot of pain so why would you want for him to live with a lifetime of pain.

I can not stand it when you’re talking to someone and you ask what you want to do and they say “let’s just spend a night on the town.” What the hell is that supposed to mean. Are we supposed to go around aimlessly walking around town having no clue where we are going? These people go around and act like this is some fun thing to do. I fucking hate the town. I hate things like Bars and Clubs. Why the hell would I want to go to some sweaty ass club where all the girls are looking like whores? The kind of people who go to these clubs and bars are mainly whores. They want to get drunk and then take someone home and have sex with them. One night stands are fucking disgusting and these people who do it all the time are probably loaded with all kind of STDs. Also to answer a question you may be having: No, I do not know how that went from talking about a night on the town to STDs.

The city has given tons of warning saying to lock your doors and window in your home and car. So what do these people do? Instead of locking them they decide to take a laptop and put it right next to an open window on the first floor and are surprised when they wake up the next morning and it is gone. Then they leave their cars unlocked thinking that since they live in a “nice” part of the city that they are ok. Wrong you dumb fucks!!!! Bottom line is that you live in the city and your stuff is going to get stolen.

Alright there it is. Part 2 will be coming up eventually.