Sunday, February 17, 2008

Percepetion is Everything

Perception is Everything

Alright I haven’t written anything in a while but it’s mainly because of lack of anything that has really struck me as, I got to write about this. The writings and rants come when they come and like I have said, there is no guideline for when I write. What I will be writing today is about how perception is everything. Now let me just get to it.

When you go out somewhere and you’re with someone of the opposite sex, a lot of the times nothing is there. Perhaps you are friends with someone or your just going out somewhere with them and hanging out. To you and this other person there is nothing going on here. However to the outsiders, they see a guy a girl together so they assume those 2 are together and are a couple. Sure you may not be holding hands nor doing anything that signifies that you are a couple, but people assume things.

Let me throw an example out for this situation. A guy who has a girlfriend is going with her somewhere to get a computer and the guy is experienced in this field. Now the guy goes out to a mall with this girl and takes a look at stuff. They both go to the computer store and then the girl goes and picks up a computer that you said was a good one. Anyways now you did what you came to do and your out and your both hungry. You decide that you want to grab something to eat and neither one of you feel like just grabbing something quick, you want to just go somewhere and sit and eat. So you go and you have dinner with each other. There is nothing romantic and you both actually split the bill and enjoy yourselves. Now what then happens is a few days later the guy gets a call from his GF asking what you were dong with her because one of her friends happened to see you 2 together. This friend saw you 2 together and perceived that the guy was cheating. So even though nothing actually happened the guy still has to defend himself and say what was going on. Everything ended up being fine and it’s all good now.

This isn’t just something as far as relationships go. Lets use the example from a while ago with Wendy’s and a finger. What happened at Wendy’s was that a girl found a human finger in her chili. She went and sued them and by the time the whole thing was over it turned out to be a hoax and the girl was just trying to get money off of them. Now the key to this argument is what happened after this whole thing ended. Even though it was proven that it was a scam with someone trying to get money, Wendy’s still saw a significant decline in sales and it affected their bottom line. Someone who may like Wendy’s and would go there all the time would know the story was bullshit, but still not want to get anything from there because of what they heard on the news and how they were perceived as having fingers in their food.

People also like to go out and add to a story. That friend of the girl probably told the guy’s girlfriend that she saw them holding hands. It’s not a major change of the story because the guy was still with her, but it’s enough to make it more interesting to the listener. The girl would have probably not even listened to her, and hell she may have even known they were going to be going out, but then you go and you add things to a story. People just have a natural tendency to want to tell a better story and add more excitement to it. It’s like when you watch a movie or a TV show and it says “based on a true story.” Of course the overall part of the story is going to be true, but the directors are going to add things to it. Make it more exciting for their audience in order to get more viewers. If you ever watch a show like “Law and Order”, what they do is they take actual events that happen, but then they add to them in order to make in more invigorating to viewer.

Alright I’m going to close it out with that. I don’t know when my next rant is going to be. Hell what I wrote today isn’t really a rant, but we’ll just call it that for the sake of it. Anyways don’t go getting yourselves killed.

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