Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rant 11/22/07

Rant 11/22/07

Alright I have a few things that I want to discuss. Now I hate the idea of introductory paragraph so let’s just get straight to this and not waste anymore time.

Alright the first thing to discuss is parents who baby their kids. When I was younger I knew this kid who had a mother who wouldn’t let him do anything. He couldn’t even leave his backyard until he was 13 or 14. Anytime he wanted to even go down the street or to my house he would have to beg his mother for him to go. He got older and then seemed to get into a lot of trouble because he never had any freedom when he was younger.

Now I am not going to sit here and say he became like that because he couldn’t do anything when he was younger but it is a reason. You have to give a kid some freedoms or else they are not going to know what to do with it. Things like drugs and alcohol and all those things are going to be out there and there really isn’t much you can do to avoid it. What these parents simply have to do is let go of the leash and let their kids find stuff out on their own.

Something else that gets me irritated is people who do not think. Some people either do not think or they have a narrow mind, which can only focus on things that appeal to them. When you break it down there are 2 kinds of people in this world: People who want to think, and people who don’t. Let’s give an example of what I am talking about. Now I love sports however it is not the only thing that accompanies my life. There are people that I talk to who seem to only care about things like sports. You talk about sports and they are ready to talk. They will also do things like brag about the kind of stuff they have. What you have and talking about shallow things is what makes someone unintelligent and insecure. There are people out there who do not even have the brain power to read what I write and I have a very easy writing style.

There are people out there who go and get the newspaper everyday. So you would think they would know what is going on in the world. No, all these people do is flip to the sports page and see what the scores are and that’s it. They won’t even read the articles in the sports section. A nuclear holocaust could be among us and they would have no idea, however they would know who win the Celtics game. These are the same people who read comic books and didn’t even have the brainpower to read them, they just looked at the pictures.

Have you ever seen someone and you haven’t seen them in a while? Maybe they are a family member or an old friend? You talk to them for a little while and you may even go out and get a drink with them. When the night is over you both say that we should “keep in touch.” Now I want you to just sit back for a second and think about the amount of people you have agreed to keep in touch with and think of how many of those people you really did keep in touch with. People say this all the time but seem to never do it. Then a few years pass by and you are talking to some people about this person you said you were going to keep in touch with. The next thing that happens is they talk about how the other person didn’t keep in touch. Hold on a second, why didn’t you call them or try to stay in touch? If you really want to keep in touch with people then you got to call them or send them an e-mail. You can’t agree to keep in touch and then a few years later when you haven’t talked to them go out and say it is their fault.

Alright this is all I have got to write about. I feel this rant is actually a little bit weak but I am going to post it anyways. There really just hasn’t been all the much that I have been in the mood to write about lately. I’m considering perhaps trying to do a short story. I am not really sure what it is going to be about but I am considering it. Anyways everyone have a fun and special time.

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