Monday, November 12, 2007

Alright I'm Back

Alright I’m Back

Ok now I haven’t done any writing lately and I got a good amount of things that I am deciding to relieve with. Alright I never cared about making a good and catchy intro and I’m not going to start now so let me start.

The first thing that I want to discuss is shows like jackass or this new show that Steve-O has. Now for the people who probably don’t go out or watch TV Jackass is a show in which these group of guys intentionally do stupid. These are things like putting stuff all over you so that Bee’s are covering you, shoving something up your ass or purposely trying to hurt yourself for the sake of making other people laugh. Now I will admit that some of this stuff does make you laugh, however I look at these guys as a bunch of idiots not as some tough guy who are cool. Now the main guy on Jackass has his own show called Dr. Steve-O. Now in this show he takes people who are wussies (in which is only a word said because pussies is too offensive) and then makes them do they stupid juvenile things. He is trying dewoosify (yeah my spellchecker has no idea what that word is) America. Now by doing these things these aren’t going to be any cooler and they aren’t any less of a pussy then they were before. Now me I am not going to go and put some hot rod in my pee-hole or try the burn the hair off my balls because that would just cause me a lot of pain and also make people think I am mentally retarded. However in all honesty, people who really are mentally retarded are smarter then the idiots who do these stunts.

Alright I was watching the news about a week ago or so and I noticed that they were talking about giving 10 year olds birth control. This makes me just wonder what the hell is wrong with the world because why the hell would 10 year olds be doing having sex. We live in this world where it seems that sex is encouraged yet masturbation is discouraged. This has caused for Kids, not teens, but kids to be having sex at earlier ages. First we have it so that kids are able to get birth control, the next thing is they are going to have kid sized condoms and give them a batman logo or something. Hell why don’t we really market condom to kids. How about when you put the condom on it changes colors when it goes inside the girl. I can see it now: “With New Trojan Wacky Colors, when it goes in its green but when it comes out its blue.” Sure that may be a joke now but were closer to that then a lot of people may think. Oh and by the way I was going to have it so that the color when it comes out is red but that wouldn’t be very good and if you don’t understand what the meant then think really hard about it.

Let’s go onto the next thing I want to talk about and that is the whole idea of not swearing in front of ladies. I don’t know any girl who gets offended by hearing swearing. Most girls don’t seem to care if you swear. What does get annoying is when you have people over swear and yes I admit that even I do this. When I write I try and keep my swearing to a minimum as much as possible. When I talk I tend to swear a little bit more but I try to keep it controlled but sometimes I just get way too fired up. A lot of people say that the way I write is a lot like the way that I talk and I tent to agree with that because there were only a few times where I really got pissed when I wrote about something. When I got really pissed it seemed that every other word I swore and because of that nothing was accomplished in my writing. However what I was originally talking about here before I got sidetracked was swearing in front of a lady. Women may go and say they want to be part of the guys or be a woman who we can joke around with. Well guys are going to swear and that’s how it goes and if you got a problem with that then tough shit.

This actually made me think about a story I heard from someone a few weeks ago. This guy said that this girl was talking to him and she said that girls have to be more independent. Anyways they had this huge argument about how a woman shouldn’t need a man. So anyways the night ends and then she looks at the guys and is like “so who is going to walk me home.” Lets rewind here for a second, this was a girl who said that women should be more independent and now she needs some man to walk her home. Alright that’s all I am going to say on this because I think that story speaks for itself.

Now before I close out. When I post this rant on my LJ there has been a guy who keeps on talking about Marijuana with me. This writing has nothing to do with any kinds of drugs. So if you would like to comment about other things then feel free to do so otherwise do not because I am not going to listen.

Now if you would like to send me an E-Mail asking me something or giving me an idea for something to write about then feel free to do so at or you can send me an IM with Yahoo at donenriquo or AIM at frankiedamouse (in which I am always either online or mobile). So now people know how to contact me in case they want to. With that I close this out.

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