Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here comes another one

Here comes another one

Alright I just did a rant a few minutes ago on something and was wondering if I should start another one. Well the obvious answer to this is yes. So let’s get it started.

Alright I was at work today and was on the internet and came across this new drug called jenkum. Now this is such a fucked up drug that I won’t even explain it and I’ll let you read what it is right here:

Now tell me who the fuck would actually do this. People are so desperate to get a high that they are willing to inhale the gases of their shit and piss. I don’t care how good the high or hallucinations would be I would never do this. Then on top of it you have a taste of waste in your mouth. WOW what a revelation! This is probably the most retarded and fucked up thing I have ever heard of and whoever does this should probably seek some serious counseling. I mean if you want a cheap way to get high go get some ready whip and inhale the nitrous oxides in it, or better yet go out and get some permanent marker and sniff it. That will kill your brain cells just as effectively. The again if your willing to inhale your shit and piss gases then you probably don’t have that many brain cells to begin with.

Ok it’s a cold day outside and you see some retarded guy walking around without a shirt or barely wearing anything. These guys go around and do this because it thinks it makes them look tough. It’s like those guys who go to a football game in freezing weather because they are trying to show pride in their team. That is fucking retarded. You don’t look like a tough guy, what you look like is a fucking moron who will probably end up getting an pneumonia and being sick all week. If its going to be cold go and dress appropriately and not think you are some tough guy. Oh and by the way if your doing it cause girls will think your some macho man, then you are an idiot because those girls think you are an idiot also.

I can’t stand it when I am watching TV and it is at just the right volume and then a commercial comes on and BOOM!!!! Why the hell do so many stations do that? It seems like you got to lower the TV when the commercials come on or else your going to burst an ear drum. These damn stations have to keep the volume the same for the shows and the commercials. Is there goal to try and wake me up and make me pay attention to whatever the hell they are advertising? Well it doesn’t work because I am spending too much time looking at my remote frantically trying to find the volume control and lower it. Then when I finally find it I’m most likely going to want to run downstairs to get something to eat or drain the main vein. So because of your loud commercial, the one commercial I may have actually paid attention to was spent trying to find the remote and lower the volume. However, thanks to the invention of DVRs, I just fast forward through all the commercials.

Alright today I was at work and I saw a guy walking down the street holding an ashtray. He had the ash tray face up and wasn’t smoking or anything. Now this seemed like a pretty boring thing yet kind of ironic. However with just a few switch of words I can go and make it more interesting.

Alright today I was at work and saw a guy who was holding and ashtray. What was fucked up is that he was outside and smoking a cigarette and dropping the ashes into it. It seemed pretty fucked up, I mean is this guy against putting his ashes on the street or something?

Now this was just an example or how people seem to take a simple story and although it is not completely made up, it is exaggerated. People always want to go around and tell a good story and make people talk about. It’s how drama and all kinds of bullshit can get started. If you stick with the truth and not trying to make your story more appealing then you won’t start so much drama and bullshit.

Anyways I was also going to write about chain letters but I’ll say they are fucked up and anybody who actual believe in that crap is way to superstitions. Anyways that is all I am going to say and I’ll close this rant up because I wrote a good amount and now that I got all that out of my system I am tired and need to go to bed..

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