Thursday, November 29, 2007

Here comes another one

Here comes another one

Alright I just did a rant a few minutes ago on something and was wondering if I should start another one. Well the obvious answer to this is yes. So let’s get it started.

Alright I was at work today and was on the internet and came across this new drug called jenkum. Now this is such a fucked up drug that I won’t even explain it and I’ll let you read what it is right here:

Now tell me who the fuck would actually do this. People are so desperate to get a high that they are willing to inhale the gases of their shit and piss. I don’t care how good the high or hallucinations would be I would never do this. Then on top of it you have a taste of waste in your mouth. WOW what a revelation! This is probably the most retarded and fucked up thing I have ever heard of and whoever does this should probably seek some serious counseling. I mean if you want a cheap way to get high go get some ready whip and inhale the nitrous oxides in it, or better yet go out and get some permanent marker and sniff it. That will kill your brain cells just as effectively. The again if your willing to inhale your shit and piss gases then you probably don’t have that many brain cells to begin with.

Ok it’s a cold day outside and you see some retarded guy walking around without a shirt or barely wearing anything. These guys go around and do this because it thinks it makes them look tough. It’s like those guys who go to a football game in freezing weather because they are trying to show pride in their team. That is fucking retarded. You don’t look like a tough guy, what you look like is a fucking moron who will probably end up getting an pneumonia and being sick all week. If its going to be cold go and dress appropriately and not think you are some tough guy. Oh and by the way if your doing it cause girls will think your some macho man, then you are an idiot because those girls think you are an idiot also.

I can’t stand it when I am watching TV and it is at just the right volume and then a commercial comes on and BOOM!!!! Why the hell do so many stations do that? It seems like you got to lower the TV when the commercials come on or else your going to burst an ear drum. These damn stations have to keep the volume the same for the shows and the commercials. Is there goal to try and wake me up and make me pay attention to whatever the hell they are advertising? Well it doesn’t work because I am spending too much time looking at my remote frantically trying to find the volume control and lower it. Then when I finally find it I’m most likely going to want to run downstairs to get something to eat or drain the main vein. So because of your loud commercial, the one commercial I may have actually paid attention to was spent trying to find the remote and lower the volume. However, thanks to the invention of DVRs, I just fast forward through all the commercials.

Alright today I was at work and I saw a guy walking down the street holding an ashtray. He had the ash tray face up and wasn’t smoking or anything. Now this seemed like a pretty boring thing yet kind of ironic. However with just a few switch of words I can go and make it more interesting.

Alright today I was at work and saw a guy who was holding and ashtray. What was fucked up is that he was outside and smoking a cigarette and dropping the ashes into it. It seemed pretty fucked up, I mean is this guy against putting his ashes on the street or something?

Now this was just an example or how people seem to take a simple story and although it is not completely made up, it is exaggerated. People always want to go around and tell a good story and make people talk about. It’s how drama and all kinds of bullshit can get started. If you stick with the truth and not trying to make your story more appealing then you won’t start so much drama and bullshit.

Anyways I was also going to write about chain letters but I’ll say they are fucked up and anybody who actual believe in that crap is way to superstitions. Anyways that is all I am going to say and I’ll close this rant up because I wrote a good amount and now that I got all that out of my system I am tired and need to go to bed..

Black KKK

Black KKK

Alright let me take this time to address the whole race issue with black people. I will discuss all sorts of things and more then likely this will be one of my long rants that settle on just one topic.

You have most likely heard about how NFL Player Sean Taylor was shot and killed in his home the other day. Now let me first say that I don’t believe he deserved to die, yes he had a lot of problems, but I’m not going to go in hear all happy because the guy is dead. However to go around and act shocked or surprised about this would be ignorant. This guy had several run-ins with the law and was arrested numerous times. People talked about how he was trying to change his life and that seems to always happens to these players during the season. However once the offseason starts they again begin to get into trouble. So I am not going to sit here and type some sympathetic thing about how he was trying to change his life because no one will truly know if that is true.

Now what I want to get at with this is that most likely he was killed by another black man. This is part of the whole black KKK in which black people go around and kill other black people for stupid reasons or no reason at all. The vast majority of the black people who have been shot have been done by another black person and then people never seem to acknowledge. However when the rare occurrence happens when a white person kills a black guy people are outraged and the black community screams racism and talk about how so many black people are getting killed. Now hold on a second here, most of the black people that are murdered is done by another black person, so if they stopped all their petty bullshit then there would be so many dead black people.

The main problem with black people is they have this thing where you have to “act black.” Whenever a black person goes out and tries to be successful and become a doctor or lawyer, he is persecuted by other blacks as “selling out.” So these black people go and continue to go around talking like uneducated monkeys and staying with their “homeboys” even though all there so called friends do is put each other in more trouble. If they go and hang around with white people or hang around people who don’t want to talk like a bunch of retards they are looked at as an uncle Tom. What black people have to do is talk to other ones and tell them that this is not how they are going to prosper and if they act like that then black people will continue to be regarded as low class citizens. If they want white people and more upper class to respect them then they have to earn the respect. Respect is something that is earned not given.

Another thing I am going to comment on is the word nigger. This was a word that was used by white people as a derogatory term towards black people. Just because a black person uses it on another black person doesn’t mean it is not an offensive term. If you talk with any educated black and successful black person they will never use that word. It is a word that is used by rappers and other black people and goes around honoring it and acting like they are “taking it back.” If they want to be respected then this word has got to stop and they have to stop using it in raps or on the street because they want to “keep it real.” Also some people go around and say “well they use the word nigga not nigger.” Nigga is a slang term for nigger and because of this the meaning of the word does not change. You never hear Italians going around and calling each other guineas. This is because Italians know this is a derogatory word and they are not going to honor it and use it.

Black people are given so many opportunities in this country and yet they never seem to take them. We have places that have affirmative action who go and give black people chances based solely on the color of their skin. Affirmative action is a racist thing because it’s almost like people are saying “well you’re not smart enough to compete with the white man, so we’ll give you some free points.” Democrats and liberals are the ones that are for this. Most black people support democrats because they support giving black people handouts. However republicans want black people to thrive and be respected by putting them on the same level as white people or anyone else in this country. Democrats want to keep black people on the level where they are comfortable but can not thrive. Republicans want for black people to thrive and achieve success and power however they would have to work for it.

Black people are the ones who hold other black people down. Black people are the ones who go around and cause murder and violence in black communities. It is not the white man who is holding down the black man, it is the black man who is holding down the black man. The Black KKK has killed a lot more black people then the original KKK and this is a known fact.

Another thing is stop with having all these damn kids. These black guys go around and put their dicks in any girl who will open their legs for them and then they have a kid. Black people are going around having tons of kids that they can not support and these causes for their kids to live poor lives and not be able to get the best education and be brought up in some ghetto. What should be done is that black people should only have the amount of kids they can support and give a good life to. I only want 1 or 2 kids because I want to be able to them the attention they deserve. I want to be able to give them the best education possible and be able to thrive in the world. Black people seem like they have kids like it’s a lottery, hoping that one of them will end up in the NBA or be a rapper and then give them a dream life. Chances are is that is not going to happen so just have 1 or 2 kids and give them a great life where they don’t have to grow up in some ghetto and can thrive in life.

Alright I was pretty fired up over this rant and had to do it the second I got home. Anyways that’s all I really have to say about this. Anyways I may end up doing another rant right now but I don’t know. However I wanted to give this rant its own topic because it focuses on one thing. Anyways I am starting to babble now so I am just going to end this one.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rant 11/22/07

Rant 11/22/07

Alright I have a few things that I want to discuss. Now I hate the idea of introductory paragraph so let’s just get straight to this and not waste anymore time.

Alright the first thing to discuss is parents who baby their kids. When I was younger I knew this kid who had a mother who wouldn’t let him do anything. He couldn’t even leave his backyard until he was 13 or 14. Anytime he wanted to even go down the street or to my house he would have to beg his mother for him to go. He got older and then seemed to get into a lot of trouble because he never had any freedom when he was younger.

Now I am not going to sit here and say he became like that because he couldn’t do anything when he was younger but it is a reason. You have to give a kid some freedoms or else they are not going to know what to do with it. Things like drugs and alcohol and all those things are going to be out there and there really isn’t much you can do to avoid it. What these parents simply have to do is let go of the leash and let their kids find stuff out on their own.

Something else that gets me irritated is people who do not think. Some people either do not think or they have a narrow mind, which can only focus on things that appeal to them. When you break it down there are 2 kinds of people in this world: People who want to think, and people who don’t. Let’s give an example of what I am talking about. Now I love sports however it is not the only thing that accompanies my life. There are people that I talk to who seem to only care about things like sports. You talk about sports and they are ready to talk. They will also do things like brag about the kind of stuff they have. What you have and talking about shallow things is what makes someone unintelligent and insecure. There are people out there who do not even have the brain power to read what I write and I have a very easy writing style.

There are people out there who go and get the newspaper everyday. So you would think they would know what is going on in the world. No, all these people do is flip to the sports page and see what the scores are and that’s it. They won’t even read the articles in the sports section. A nuclear holocaust could be among us and they would have no idea, however they would know who win the Celtics game. These are the same people who read comic books and didn’t even have the brainpower to read them, they just looked at the pictures.

Have you ever seen someone and you haven’t seen them in a while? Maybe they are a family member or an old friend? You talk to them for a little while and you may even go out and get a drink with them. When the night is over you both say that we should “keep in touch.” Now I want you to just sit back for a second and think about the amount of people you have agreed to keep in touch with and think of how many of those people you really did keep in touch with. People say this all the time but seem to never do it. Then a few years pass by and you are talking to some people about this person you said you were going to keep in touch with. The next thing that happens is they talk about how the other person didn’t keep in touch. Hold on a second, why didn’t you call them or try to stay in touch? If you really want to keep in touch with people then you got to call them or send them an e-mail. You can’t agree to keep in touch and then a few years later when you haven’t talked to them go out and say it is their fault.

Alright this is all I have got to write about. I feel this rant is actually a little bit weak but I am going to post it anyways. There really just hasn’t been all the much that I have been in the mood to write about lately. I’m considering perhaps trying to do a short story. I am not really sure what it is going to be about but I am considering it. Anyways everyone have a fun and special time.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Alright I'm Back

Alright I’m Back

Ok now I haven’t done any writing lately and I got a good amount of things that I am deciding to relieve with. Alright I never cared about making a good and catchy intro and I’m not going to start now so let me start.

The first thing that I want to discuss is shows like jackass or this new show that Steve-O has. Now for the people who probably don’t go out or watch TV Jackass is a show in which these group of guys intentionally do stupid. These are things like putting stuff all over you so that Bee’s are covering you, shoving something up your ass or purposely trying to hurt yourself for the sake of making other people laugh. Now I will admit that some of this stuff does make you laugh, however I look at these guys as a bunch of idiots not as some tough guy who are cool. Now the main guy on Jackass has his own show called Dr. Steve-O. Now in this show he takes people who are wussies (in which is only a word said because pussies is too offensive) and then makes them do they stupid juvenile things. He is trying dewoosify (yeah my spellchecker has no idea what that word is) America. Now by doing these things these aren’t going to be any cooler and they aren’t any less of a pussy then they were before. Now me I am not going to go and put some hot rod in my pee-hole or try the burn the hair off my balls because that would just cause me a lot of pain and also make people think I am mentally retarded. However in all honesty, people who really are mentally retarded are smarter then the idiots who do these stunts.

Alright I was watching the news about a week ago or so and I noticed that they were talking about giving 10 year olds birth control. This makes me just wonder what the hell is wrong with the world because why the hell would 10 year olds be doing having sex. We live in this world where it seems that sex is encouraged yet masturbation is discouraged. This has caused for Kids, not teens, but kids to be having sex at earlier ages. First we have it so that kids are able to get birth control, the next thing is they are going to have kid sized condoms and give them a batman logo or something. Hell why don’t we really market condom to kids. How about when you put the condom on it changes colors when it goes inside the girl. I can see it now: “With New Trojan Wacky Colors, when it goes in its green but when it comes out its blue.” Sure that may be a joke now but were closer to that then a lot of people may think. Oh and by the way I was going to have it so that the color when it comes out is red but that wouldn’t be very good and if you don’t understand what the meant then think really hard about it.

Let’s go onto the next thing I want to talk about and that is the whole idea of not swearing in front of ladies. I don’t know any girl who gets offended by hearing swearing. Most girls don’t seem to care if you swear. What does get annoying is when you have people over swear and yes I admit that even I do this. When I write I try and keep my swearing to a minimum as much as possible. When I talk I tend to swear a little bit more but I try to keep it controlled but sometimes I just get way too fired up. A lot of people say that the way I write is a lot like the way that I talk and I tent to agree with that because there were only a few times where I really got pissed when I wrote about something. When I got really pissed it seemed that every other word I swore and because of that nothing was accomplished in my writing. However what I was originally talking about here before I got sidetracked was swearing in front of a lady. Women may go and say they want to be part of the guys or be a woman who we can joke around with. Well guys are going to swear and that’s how it goes and if you got a problem with that then tough shit.

This actually made me think about a story I heard from someone a few weeks ago. This guy said that this girl was talking to him and she said that girls have to be more independent. Anyways they had this huge argument about how a woman shouldn’t need a man. So anyways the night ends and then she looks at the guys and is like “so who is going to walk me home.” Lets rewind here for a second, this was a girl who said that women should be more independent and now she needs some man to walk her home. Alright that’s all I am going to say on this because I think that story speaks for itself.

Now before I close out. When I post this rant on my LJ there has been a guy who keeps on talking about Marijuana with me. This writing has nothing to do with any kinds of drugs. So if you would like to comment about other things then feel free to do so otherwise do not because I am not going to listen.

Now if you would like to send me an E-Mail asking me something or giving me an idea for something to write about then feel free to do so at or you can send me an IM with Yahoo at donenriquo or AIM at frankiedamouse (in which I am always either online or mobile). So now people know how to contact me in case they want to. With that I close this out.