Monday, September 1, 2008

A Politcal Rant

A Political Rant

Alright forget the introduction and I’ll just get right into it.

WHAT THE HELL IS MCCAIN THINKING? He picked Sarah Palin of Alaska as his choice for VP. The only thing good about this is that she is a woman and she could help get the female vote. The main problem with this selection is that the main thing the Republicans were using against Obama was his lack of experience. Well you just chose someone who has only 18 months of experience in office as your VP. Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?

Let’s also be realistic for a second. McCain is 72 years old and is not in the best of health. So there is a possibility that he could die in office and then we have Sarah Palin as the President of the United States. McCain should have picked just about anybody else. Why not someone who has more experience and that people actually know? I guarantee you that when most people heard that selection their first response was, “who?”

Palin is also the governor of Alaska. Now she has done a good job but let’s not forget that we are talking about Alaska. Alaska is one of the least most populated states in the country so there is not much to manage. She is a big fish in a small pond and now she is going to be thrown into the ocean where the fish are a lot bigger.

I just straight up do not understand this selection. I want to see McCain win the election but I think he hurts his chances big time with picking Palin. Of course he may get more of the Hilary supporters because of this, but he could lose the people who would have voted for McCain because of Obama’s lack of experience.

I will say one thing though. If the Palin does end up becoming president she’ll be the hottest president ever. She won’t know what the fuck she is doing, but she’ll be hot.

EDIT: I actually really started to like Palin after I wrote this. I think she could be a great VP or even President one day. However picking her now was very immature and in the end it may have been what cost McCain the election.