So Much Insanity
That’s right. I am still alive and I haven’t changed where I do my rants either. There just really hasn’t been much to rant about however today I got a few things I just got to let out.
Now it has been a year since the whole thing happened where WWE wrestler Christ Benoit killed his family. What I want to bring up today is I watch people make videos of him or write things about him and they claim that they “knew him.” People who say this shit are complete fucking idiot. Just because you watched someone on TV once or twice a week does not mean that you knew him. Also meeting the guy at an autograph session and even talking to him for a few minutes, is not knowing him. So stop with the whole bullshit about how you knew and you couldn’t imagine how he could do that. The same thing happened when OJ was on trial. People who watched him play football would claim that they couldn’t believe he did that because they knew him and he killed 2 people in a very gruesome way.
This is how sports are with people. People think that because they watch a guy perform on TV that it means they know him, and because he keeps a good personality while he is playing that it automatically makes him this honest and good person. I’ll even give you a few examples. People said Roger Clemens was a standup guy and would never cheat. Within a few months this guy was linked to steroids and having an affair with an underage girl. Let’s also look at Marvin Harrison, people always said he was a standup guy then a situation happens where there is a shootout that involved guns that he had.
Now enough with the sports related talk. Let’s go onto something I’m sure people have heard of. A little while back there were a group of 17 teenage girls who decided to make a pact and would all get pregnant. Now these girls didn’t even care who the father of their baby was going to be, they just wanted to get pregnant. This is shown as proof as one of them is a 24 year old homeless guy. These girls decided it would be fun to have a baby, but they don’t realize that they are fucked. These girls probably can’t support themselves so I don’t know what makes them think they can afford to support a baby. This story pretty much speaks for itself on how retarded these girls really are.
Also let it be known that there is no such thing as a big dick car. I had a friend who is going to get some fancy sports car and I told him that’s a small dick car, then he goes and asks, what’s a big dick car? My answer was that there is no big dick car because what makes a car a small dick car is that people will think they have a big dick while driving it. The best thing to do is to get a car you like and don’t get a car because people will think you are cool. All cars work the same way and will get you to your destination, assuming that they are in working order. Yes this was a really random thing to talk about but right now I am just going on instinct.
Does anyone buy a soda and see a code on the bottle cap and actually go online to enter it in. For all I know I could have one millions or dollars but I really don’t feel like wasting my time and going online and entering the code. Whatever happened to winning something instantly? I want to win something and not have to go online to see if I even won anything. They could at least tease you a little bit and put on the cap “YOU WIN” and under it have some code you enter online. I mean sure you’ll get online and find out what you win and see it’s a 20 oz soda, but at least you actually decided to go online and bother entering the code. Also another thing that pisses me off is they don’t have the just win free 20 oz cap anymore. Now it’s just a buy on get one free. What the fuck, I don’t want to have to buy something in order to get something free. I want to just get the free soda and be done with it.
Alright this rant is done. I don’t know when the next one will be done. My next rant could be tomorrow or it could be in 3 months. Just let it be known that I am never going to stop writing rants. So unless I die there will be another rant.
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